Saturday 19th April 2008 11:53pm [Edited]
4,203 posts
Quote: James Williams @ April 19 2008, 8:34 PM BST
Any time I say something, your fuzzy, self-congratulatory pixelated face pops up with a dig - usually at my sitcom. Give it a rest, (I mean, what the hell has my writing got to do with anything?!*) or at least when the bile begins to rise f**k off and spew it somewhere else.
*And you don't have to be able to write to be a critic. Maybe when you're getting your Bafta-winning though oddly elusive sitcom/s produced it will be me who saw their genius and commissioned them.
I still believe most experienced writers don't judge it wise to slap up a dashed-out first instalment of a yet-to-be-written longer piece *if* they eventually want it to go anywhere. Asking for feedback prematurely is often a mistake because people can either knock your confidence or give good feedback and sap your drive/momentum to finish the whole piece. Certainly this is what most interviews and literature I've read would suggest (and I happen to agree with it). Just because you don't read such material because you already know it all doesn't mean the opinion doesn't have merit... it certainly doesn't warrant your dismissing it as "nonsense."
Of course, Lee(vil) isn't an experienced writer so in this context if he wants to guage opinion then ok - but I was merely adding that it doesn't seem to be recommended by those who know what they're doing. Knocking out ideas for a sketch is one thing, but... it can be a fine line.
But I understand that perhaps this opinion was put across a little forcefully. I'm sure there are successful writers out there who cannot resist the urge to share every 5 minutes. (I also note that you're not one of them, Seefacts. In fact I don't think you've ever posted anything creative here. Of course you're afraid of looters picking your brains for nuggets of genius. I must admit I find it difficult to take you seriously though, especially when you behave in such an aggressive manner. But hey, what do you care!)
I apologise Leevil and don't wish this thread to be decommissioned into a platform for a silly spat. But I have maily expanded on some of my original comments. If I spoke in such a way that Seefacts felt he had to rush to your defence, I suppose I'd better reiterate that I think you are a talented writer. I guess I just think it's a mistake to do a rush-job on things if you want it to go places. I was just advising caution and trying to be a little helpful.
I was defending Leevil after you decided to say something along the lines of 'Proper writers don't do this'. You can say I'm 'self congratulatory' all you like, personal insults don't affect me one bit. I'm judging people on their attitudes put forward in their posts. And your exuded smugness, as in the past with your attitude of if you didn't sweat over it for 400 years, you're not a proper writer. And I don't want to be seen as 'self-congratulatory', if you think that then don't get involved in any thread where I've been discussing what I've been doing . . . Oh, you don't anyway. I wonder why?
And you can call my work 'oddly elusive' whatever that means - but MY work isn't under discussion here, and until it gets made it never will be as it's not in the public domain. Yours is, that's why it's been discussed. I'm sure you can have a smile if the Beeb turn it down, I'll keep you informed.
I know I slighted you in the past on your sitcom thread, where any good or worth in your work was totally outweighed and destroyed by your attitude. But as far as I'm concerned, this is a discussion forum and if everyone agreed all the time it'd be very dull.
This isn't a forum full of regularly contributing commissioning editors, so it doesn't matter is Leevil posts early versions of his work or not. It's NOT going to affect him one bit. I'm not sure WHY he posted it, I suppose. Maybe he just wanted a confidence boost, who knows?
"doesn't seem to be recommended by those who know what they're doing" - ergo Leevil is a big no-hoper who's not a pro. I've never heard such a piece of writing advice ever.
I don't post here for the reason I've discussed elsewhere. All of my portfolio of work - three pilots and a load of sketches have been critiqued by people in the industry. I'm happy with the feedback and have acted accordingly on it. I don't want any more feedback. I've got other projects at the mo.
I'd rather sit back and just write rather than keep saying 'Is this good?'. My brother can read my work, that'll do me.
Fare enough you giving advice, that's not an issue BUT it's the way you gave it, that's all.
I'm not going to get into a spat, as you say it'll derail any proper discussion on Lee's work.
So hopefully we can call a truce. This can't turned into the 'Honest Question' thread!!
I'm going to be hating Dara O'Brian for a while, so my bile can be directed at him.