British Comedy Guide


Hello I'm an American living near Washington DC, and I registered to this site to get some help writing this script I've been doing for a while. Most of the people I've shown like it, but that seems rather biased.

Other mundane details include: I'm 17 years of age, in high school, I listen to music continuously, and I'm going to major in graphic design (one of those modern art bastards in other words).

And ummm

Art = Turner. Constable. Monet (even if he was a frog). NOT BLOODY TRACY EMIN.


Welcome! :)

Welcome from a slighty more Cynical battle hardened Art Bastards. I like to read like short circuit post your stuff up we're a good bunch...most of us any way Aaron is a little...strange after a few beers (Only joking pal) :D:D:D

...I'll get my Coat

welcome to the site for help and feedback you have come to the right place so stay around and enjoy.

Hi Deheepan.

In the words on an idiot, "Yo!".

Thanks guys if you wanna check out what I wrote thus far look at this thread,


Howdy! Can i come stay?

Stop yo-ing!

(Hello Dheepan.)

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