Saturday 19th April 2008 1:26am
51,287 posts
David Writers Room specifically don't take sketches. You might as well have sent them a cheese sandwich.
Three main routes,
1 Put your pilot together (individual skits are a waist of time), and send to prodcos. Check out BBC commissioning site, for companies they use.
2 Check out Writers room, and else where in general for places that might take stuff. Do every thing you can to get a phone number.
3 Enter BBC competitions and open talent slots e.g. Tilt, which is still running. Persist.
Keep practising, keep writing, and look for opportunities. Writers room produces very, very little of what they get sent, and take months to read it.
In my experience researching opportunities is something you have to dedicate a fair bit of time. Also hate to sound paranoid, but if some one finds an opportunity, they are not going to share it with you.
A prodco that knows inviting you to write for them, means they get a 100 or so other scripts from people who read your posts, will not ask you to write for them. So do your own research.
And at the risk of sounding negative, don't assume your work is good enough. Get feed back, get it on the stage (alot of skit shows will take free stuff), or youtube and see what people say about it.