Oh dear...I might have to befriend French guy anyway then to look tall and intimidating.
General, General Thread Page 231
But surely at the first sign of danger he'd leg it?
I dunno...Oh I'll just get Jaimini to do it. Tough as nails she is!
Jaimini? sounds like a cocktail.
Or a cricket...
Like the insect or Sport?
Insect from Pinocchio!

Yeah! You say her name similarly to it. Like Jay-min-ee
So shes your conscious?
She's kind of the opposite. I had an argument with a friend and was complaining about it. Her solution-"Do you want me to kick him?"
Sounds like a sensible girl you wanna take heed of that advise.
But think of the repurcussions!
He falls down.
I ate lots of beetroot today. I just went for a wee and actually thought I was dying from some horrible condition, but actually I think it was the beetroot... didn't know it dyed your wee red.