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Ruddy Hell! It's Harry and Paul Page 2

I liked the American couple, Biddidly Boing! But wasn't too keen on the impersonation sketches, although the makeup was impressive.

I thought most of the time Paul Whitehouse totally outshone Harry, especially the two surgeons bit, it just shows how good a performer Paul really is.

Friday night comedy is back, woohoo!

Watched it. I too lurrrrrrrrved the American couple, the pet geordie and the antique dealer. The rest was quite boring. Well acted by both party's and i do like that woman, whats her name. Gosh! Morwenna Banks is it?

Yes I forgot to mention those other two sketches. Yeah "what's her name" is great.

Quote: charley rance @ April 14, 2007, 12:28 AM

Morwenna Banks is it?


Can't agree with most of these comments. I thought it was pathetic. Really lazy writing with sketches about cheap targets such as Mourinho, Abramovich, Bill Gates, Laurel And Hardy and Nelson Mandela.

Many of the sketches didn't even have a point to them, they just fizzled out. Take the builders for example. Talk posh, then typical builder, talk posh again. Are they going to do that every week?

I'm no great fan of Little Britain but their writing was so much better than this.

It had some funny moments, the American couple and the surgeons were the funniest parts for me. I thought the L+H sketch wasn't very funny and scarily I understood what Bill Gates was talking about!!!!! NEEEEEEERRRRDDDDDD!!!!

The performances saved it for me though, will watch again.

Who was the blonde girl/lady/woooman in the coffee shop?

Very poor, which was was a great shame. Just very lazy and not enough jokes. The pet Geordie and Antiques salesman were okay but yeah the rest of it barely raised a smile.

I have to say that I thought it was well below par. The sketches were not particularly funny with one or two exceptions.

The performances were very good particularly Paul Whitehouse - but purrrrlease the U2 thing again. The accents were excruciatingly terrible. I hurt my toes I was curling them up so much.

I fear that these two could do so much better and the whole thing smacks of "take the money and run"

The U2 sketch was actually embarrassing to watch. All of the 'jokes' that they made about U2 knowing only 2 chords, Bono's name being similar to a dogfood and Bono loving publicity are the sort of thing that schoolchildren talked about, with more humour, more than a decade ago.

I ve just watched it, and have to say I thought it was quite good,certainly made me laugh quite a lot; and its always good to see Paul Whittehouse on TV.

After watching the first two sketches, Jose Mouriniho and The American on the bus, I thought wow, this is going to be a classic. But the rest of the sketches weren't, the remaining 25 minutes was quite boring. The Laurel and Hardy sketch wasn't funny, it was just bad taste. I am a big fan of Harry Enfield and Chums, but this was quite poor. I will still tune in to episode 2, because you never know.

Quote: ShoePie @ April 14, 2007, 11:16 AM

It had some funny moments, the American couple and the surgeons were the funniest parts for me. I thought the L+H sketch wasn't very funny and scarily I understood what Bill Gates was talking about!!!!! NEEEEEEERRRRDDDDDD!!!!

The performances saved it for me though, will watch again.

Who was the blonde girl/lady/woooman in the coffee shop?

Laura Solon Lovey and beside her Morwenna Banks.

I thought at least half of it was really funny. Definitely worth watching again.

But that Laurel and Hardy thing was just wrong!
So so wrong.

Laurel and Hardy impressions were good, but the sketch itself was terrible and I think their going to get it for that. Exactly was "it" is I don't know, but L+H are very respected and it's very weird to try and make a comedy out of a comedy.

I thought the Laurel and Hardy sketch was wrong aswell, Laurel should have been recieving.

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