Int. Supermarket.
A teen boy, Tommy, is stacking a shelf. A man in a black suit and sunglasses approaches him. The store is deserted.
Man: Hello Tommy.
Tommy: Hello?
Man: I’ve been hearing a lot about you.
Tommy: What?
Man: That you can look after yourself.
Tommy: Are you sure? I can’t even tie my tie on my own. Look.
Tommy takes off his tie to show it’s elasticised. He puts it back on.
Man: You’re telling me that you haven’t choked a man to death, ripped out his spinal column, made a kebab from his innards and then eaten it?
Tommy: I’m a vegetarian.
Man: (SIGHS) They told me you’d be a master of lies.
Tommy: Who told you?
Man: The man upstairs.
Tommy: The store manager?
Man: It’s way beyond any store manager.
Tommy: Head office?
Man: MI5.
Tommy: MI5?
Man: Yes. Now, we’ve got to go. The Russians are planning an invasion.
Tommy: But I need to stack these beans.
Man: We must go NOW!
Tommy: I’m on lunch in an hour. Can’t you come back then?
The man grabs hold of Tommy and starts trying to drag him away.
Tommy: Get off me! Get off me!
Tommy breaks free, grabs the man in a headlock and breaks his neck. The man falls to the floor. Another man in a black suit and sunglasses approaches Tommy.
Tommy: Did I do well?
Man 2: (RUSSIAN ACCENT) Good, comrade. Veeeerrry good.