Yep, I've finally finished the first episode. It's a bit long (a full script) to actually post without killing somebody, so I've uploaded it to a Freewebs domain which I haven't put any thought into whatsoever.
Your feedback is very much appreciated.
It might not be active yet, I'm not actually sure. As you can see, I have no idea how to use Freewebs. I can script HTML perfectly well. I just can't use Freewebs.
How completely and utterly ironic.
Thanks in advance for all your critique,
PS. I'm just going to add this: , because it's meaningless, but looks like a lemon Fruit Pastel with sunburn. And Fruit Pastels with sunburn are sexy as feck. I mean, they make me want to go make love to a tree.
A tree with sunburn.