Thursday 10th April 2008 11:55pm
Royal Berkshire
69,974 posts
Oh sweet f**king JESUS that was bad. I mean, really, REALLY bad. I know these kinds of shows are largely dependent on the artistes in each individual episode, but this was absolutely, without a doubt, the WORST piece of television I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. The Wall puts Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps on par with Fawlty Towers. A show so bad that not even the fact it ended gave it any merit. Really, a new low point for television.
Of course, special mention must go to We Are Klang, for being marginally less funny than an Ian Huntley biopic.
Most shows, even if I don't like them personally, I can see SOME worth in. But this, ugh, the most liberal usage of the word "comedy" I have ever, ever seen.
Someone should swing for this.
(P.S. I'm 20; presumably well within the target audience age range.)