Tuesday 3rd April 2007 9:05pm
116 posts
I love it when some starts a sentence with the word so. 
So paul watson, do you really think that I was imagining that nobody else on here had ever heard the cliché about men supposedly (notice the use of supposedly) not being able to find the clitoris? So one thing I do find amusing is your "Keep posting old jokes until we don't recognise one" comment.
As I said above, it's the circumstances with the Sat Nav and boys and their toys that play just as important a part in this scenario as does the sarcastic clitoris remark and the female getting the hump bit.
I put a previous sketch on here that revolved around the punchline "Somebody’s pissed in the lift" which is a play on words that has two meanings, as in somebody HAS or somebody IS pissed in the lift, so because there are old jokes such as:
A little boy gets lost in Tesco's and the security guard asks him "What’s your Mummy like?" and the boy replies "Big Dicks and Vodka"
does that mean we can't do a joke that uses a play on words or drinking jokes anymore? Sexual related and the general male/female relationship type of humour is probably the most often used kind and if you were to take down every posting on here that was linked to that, just about all you'd have left would be everybody's introductions.
Oh and by the way, if I had put that Tesco's joke up and tried to pass it off as an original then I think you would have a valid point.
I also really don't mean to be harsh but when I read you repeating something that someone has already said in a thread, finding old reheated comments isn't my idea of a laugh and is a general waste of my time too. 
Yeah I can see what you are getting at lewis and I also liked charley’s additions and although I think there is nothing wrong with them, her suggestions still contain the two basic parts of the joke, being the gadget obsessed male angle and the locating the clitoris side of things.
For that reason any downsides about it being an old joke would surely also apply there too. I personally think what saves it from that is the use of the modern technology spin part of it, against a well known theme and charley adds more to it by expanding the descriptive part of the Sat Nav workings angle.
David did mention in my version that the punchline came too soon and maybe I could have milked a bit more out of it, but from previous stuff I've put up on here most of the advice was that it was overwritten or along the lines of throw out anything that is just padding, so I’ve tried to take this advice onboard.