Most of us are having a conversation.
I'm not sure that should be quoshed.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,946
I've been trying to keep things civil. I can rein it in a bit more if necessary.
I'm putting 10 gallons of bitter into kegs. The weather is great (82F/28C), so I'm doing a little bit of spring cleaning in the disaster I call a garage. In a monumental act of great significance, I threw out the TRUMP 2020 yard sign that's been languishing behind the trash bins.
Hiding the evidence huh? 😁
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 11th March 2025, 5:28 PMRead back, every post is a vicious attack of someone.
Or doesn't it count if he's 'one of us?
It's not me that has to change the record.
I agree. Every one of Lofthouse's posts are filled with hate.
Quote: lofthouse @ 11th March 2025, 8:42 PMHiding the evidence huh? 😁
I'm not sorry that I voted for him in 2020. He was a much better candidate than Biden, although I would've preferred to have another choice.
Trump may be right when he says that the war in Ukraine would've never taken place had he been president. The guy is so scattershot that we might've been in a better place, or a worse place, had he been reelected.
I'm sensing the hate - dare I say, ganging up - in the opposite direction.
The guy speaks his mind - a little bit fruity at times - but his opinion, nonetheless.
There's awful things going on in the world at the moment - a degree of anger is understandable.
If you disagree, respond with facts, not insults .
Quote: Chappers @ 11th March 2025, 9:01 PMI agree. Every one of Lofthouse's posts are filled with hate.
But you never read my posts - because they are tedious and boring???
Turns out you read "every one " of them!
Make your mind up mate 👍🤣
And yes my posts on here are dripping with hate, we have an absolutely disgusting idiot in the White House bringing nothing but chaos and division to this world
And idiots in our own country who want to replicate his repellent brand of politics
No apologies for bad mouthing scumbags
And if you think my posts on here are full of hate, stay away from twitter
The amount of vile, racist, disgusting shit that reform supporters pump out on there daily is absolutely unbelievable
You are not getting on purpose.
You accuse others of hate while spewing it out constantly.
It's become a joke - you are being laughed at.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 11th March 2025, 9:36 PMYou are not getting on purpose.
You accuse others of hate while spewing it out constantly.
It's become a joke - you are being laughed at.
By the same three people who have it in for him.
However , I get the feeling he's not the kind of person who's going to be hounded out, unlike others members who you've either had removed or driven out.
We've only just got DaButt back, for goodness sake.
Final warning to both Stephen and lofthouse. This constant antagonism is not welcome.
Chappers, your prodding isn't helpful either.
Yes I have been bemused by the stick Lofthouse seems to get
I often go back a few pages to see if something has incited it but can never really find anything
I think his posts can be really funny as well which is welcome on this comedy site
I asked Aaron to reinstate my account a few days ago because I missed "talking" to you gentlemen (and ladies?). It had gotten really ugly last year (I considered slurs against someone's non-member wife to be beyond the pale) but it seemed like things were a little more civil these days, so I wanted to re-engage.
Can we all agree that none of us will ever change anyone's mind? We're all adults with strong opinions, and I can't see a post or two changing anyone's mind. My posts are all just my opinion; I wouldn't even waste my time trying to sway someone to my point of view. I respect your right to have an opinion of your own.
Let's all try to raise the level of discourse on these forums. Believe it or not, I think we all have more in common than we might admit. If any two of us were to find ourselves in a North Korean prison cell, or an alien race's zoo, we'd be best mates. We're more alike than we are different.
Here's a sophomoric attempt at reconciliation: I'd like everyone to say something nice about a person they've butted heads with here. Maybe they made a good joke (isn't that what this place is all about?) or you've both been fans of the same show/film/actor. Surely it's not that hard to say something nice about someone you've "known" for a decade or more?
I'll go first:
I've had drinks with several of the posters on this website, and some of them are still alive and posting here. (Rest in peace, RCP and OldRocker.)
I'd gladly sit down for a pint (or five) with anyone who posts here. I guess lofthouse is the only person with whom I've clashed on a regular basis, but we've become best mates after I went sour on Donald Trump. Joking, of course, but I'd happily sit down for a beer with him, and I think we'd get along just fine. I think he's a good person who is concerned about his nation's future, and that probably describes us all.
Be kind! It's easy to smile! Join me for a beer sometime!
P.S. Please don't make Aaron waste his 70,000th post on banning people who I enjoy interacting with.
Quote: Chappers @ 11th March 2025, 9:01 PMI agree. Every one of Lofthouse's posts are filled with hate.
It's fine to express hatred towards public figures. I hate Putin, Trump, Farage, Boris Johnson etc.
We should avoid expressing hatred towards each other though. And Lofthouse (unlike some people on here) generally doesn't do that.
P.s. well said, DaButt !
I wonder if Uncle Albert was steering that ship in the North Sea?