Monday 10th March 2025 10:22am [Edited]
14,233 posts
Remember all the right wing gutter rags inventing stories about what a disaster adding VAT to private schools would be?
As suspected - total horse shit....
"Predictions that adding VAT to private school fees would set off a wave of parents moving children to the state sector have been proved wrong at their first key test, according to figures from councils in England.
While critics including the former chancellor Jeremy Hunt had predicted that up to 90,000 children could flood the state sector if VAT of 20% was charged, most councils say they have seen no impact from the policy in applications to start at state secondary schools later this year.
Forecasts of widespread shortages of school places have also fallen flat, based on application figures for places in year 7, the first year of secondary school, that show more families receiving their first choice of school this year.
A government source said: "Despite all the doom-mongering and ululating from the private schools lobby, as well as their Conservative and Reform lackeys, there hasn't been a massive exodus from private schools."
This is from the Guardian as naturally the daily express aren't interested in the truth - and actual news, as opposed to made up bull crap
In other news, last night the new Canadian prime minister gave his acceptance speech- and basically told Donald Trump to go eat a dick