Alfred J Kipper
Tuesday 4th March 2025 9:06am [Edited]
8,501 posts
Well I watched it all again without the slightest hint of getting bored, and yes the bottoms were untouched in this screening too, even at Sunday tea time, so well done Sky Arts, and not so well done TPTV for being so meek. ☹️ Little things maybe (not the bottoms) but they can virtually ruin the viewing experience of a great film, if you remember watching it in days gone by.
My first viewings of this were in the 70s, as I remember it being on fairly regularly, as many films were then, and it was very popular with schoolmates, who I remember singing the theme tune to it, and this was 20 years after it was made, in the winter of discontent, very long snowbound winter with the army having to grit the roads and collect the rubbish piling up, with almost every union on strike. The film being on TV may even have inspired the country to vote in Maggie that year. 🤔
Q Does anyone know where the factory it was filmed at was, and where exactly it was supposed to be set? It's definitely South East, Londonish with all the southern accents in it, very possibly the industrial part of London, I'd guess either Park Royal/Harlesden or along the great west road, Isleworth way or even what's now the A40 coming in from the Hanger Lane roundabout, very west Acton (which could even be construed as Park Royal now). All the usual online critiques and the excellent features article here don't mention this (which isn't surprising as there's so much else to mention about this British classic). Ta in advance if anyone knows.