MISTRESS (with book) Good morning children. Hello boys and girls, hello, hello and good afternoon. I am Miss Staines and this evening I'm going to read a nice, lovely and - well, just nice and lovely bit from The Liar, The Bitch and The Whore's Moan, so shut the f**k up and f**king listen or I'll kick your f**king heads in. Yerse, this piece of shit was written by Clive Staples - what kinda f**king name's that, Staples? What are you, a writer or a f**king household appliance? Ah, stop laughing, mate: I could piss myself over your name too, little Johnny Cocksucker - whare the f**k was I? F**k. Anyway, shut the f**k up 'cos this is like sex. Anal sex. F**king shit. But at least it ain't Harry f**king Potter. So, like you after Sunday School, I shall clear my throat as this leaves a nasty taste in the mouth:
Chapter 69: A Day With Some Beaver (and don't laugh. I know that's Yankee for minky, minge or c**t)
And Peter, Susan, Lucy and the c**ty one all eye-tittied each other, totally f**king gobsmacked and shit.
"F**k me," ejaculated Susan. "Looks like this shit-hole's gonna be one great big f**king - well, shit-hole."
"Don't f**king swear, you f**king cockpig," Peter repri - recipro - said.
"You can f**king talk, c**tie-hole,'" interjected Edmond.
"Of course I can f**king talk," retorted he. "I've been talking since I was a child."
"You must be f**king tired," japed Edmond.
"Oh f**k off Edmond, you f**king little f**king - f**ker," returned he.
"Will you two twatnoses shut the f**king f**k up?" requested Lucy presently. "You're f**king kids."
"No that's your dad, Pete," japed Edmond.
"F**k off, Edmond," retorted he.
"Everybody f**king f**k off," smiled Susan. "Anyway, who is this Queen, Lu?"
"Sounds like your dad, Pete," japed Edmond.
"F**k off, Edmond," retorted he.
"She isn't a real queen at all," maintained Lucy.
"Sounds like your dad, Pete," japed Edmond.
"F**k - OFF, Edmond," retorted he.
"She's a beastly, gruesome and f**king well c**ty witch," affirmed Lucy.
"Witch?" inquired Susan "Sorry, I thought you said bastard."
"Shut the f**k up, Susan," ordered Peter. And he turned to Lucy. "Fill me in."
"As you say to your dad, Pete," japed Edmond.
"FUCK - OFF, Edmond," retorted he.
"Well, everyone - all the wood people..." began Lucy.
And Peter couldn't resist it. "Your mum's a wood person, too, Edmond," he joshed.
"F**k off, Pete," Edmond returned presently.
"They all f**king hate her f**king guts," insisted Lu. "She's made this sort of f**king encha - enchon - spell over the entire f**king country..."
"Glad you remembered the last syllable there," smiled Susan. "Or you'da said 'c**t'."
"... So that it's always Winter here and never Christmas."
And they all stared at her so it was all silent and shit like that.
Finally Peter ejaculated in despair. "Sounds f**king shit to me," he surmised.
And Susan nodded. "Yes," she ascertained solemnly. "Total and utter f**king shit."
And even Edmond, the c**ty f**kpig one, had to agree. "Total and f**king utter total f**king shit," he concurred. "Imagine freezing your f**king bollocks off and never getting any f**king presents or getting rat-arsed and jerking off to that Spice Girls video to while away the f**king hangover next morning."
"And imagine no Father Christmas," wept Susan. "No fat old man breaking into your room and offering sweets so he can unload his sack all over the place."
"Sounds like your dad, Pete," japed Edmond.
"FUCK - OFF; EDMOND," retorted he.
Well, children - boys and girls, and you - I do hope you've enjoyed tonight's bit of tale. Will Peter get his hands on some beaver - don't even think about it, you? Will the boys stop making that stupid f**king joke about Pete's dad? And will Edmond undergo a profound, metaphys - metty - nice epiphany whereby the fellow transforms into a spiritually aware, transcendentally cognisant, judiciously perspicacious pedagogue and not such a c**t? Most importantly, does anyone give a f**k either way?
She looks around: One kid, asleep.