British Comedy Guide

Lets play a game!

Husband and Wife in bed!

Who, excluding me of course, was the girlfriend you loved the most

I am not playing this game

Awww! Come on, i will play too. Pretend i am a mate of yours asking you.

I realy dont want to play.

God! You are so boring. I want to play, you never want to do anything with me. I have to do everything myself. I wash your clothes, i cook 9/10, I organise our holidays all i ask in return is for a little game.

Its gonna end in tears.

Why! Who was she then. Obviously there is someone you have made that perfectly clear. It had better not be that Maria you went out with before me.

Why dont you tell me who i loved the most, and i will go along with it.

Nah! You dont wanna tell me. Its your dirty little secret. I know its that Maria anyhoo.

Maria was a very nice lady, she never played silly games.

See i knew it. You lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrved her, you still lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve her dont you. Did she wash your clothes, cook your meals, organise your holidays. Did she huh huh!

Nope! She never shrunk or dyed a thing, i was allowed to use the washing machine. Mostly we ate out or got take aways, we were to busy holidaying where we BOTH wanted to go, to cook.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Right, well why dont you go get your shit and go move back in with Maria then. Seeing as how she is soooooooooo wonder fooking full. Oh no wait a minute, she dont want you does she, you were dumped.

The relationship ran its course

Dumpety dump dump DUMPED.

We both decided to move on.

If i was in a car crash and ran over that Maria, and we were both taken to seperate hospitals. Who would you go see first.

Are you dead

I dunno do I. I have just been in a major car crash

Can we play a game


Your dead right.........................................................

How many times have you been married?

Quote: David Chapman @ March 28, 2007, 8:31 PM

How many times have you been married?

I am aiming for 4. Are you offering to be no.3???????????. Lovey Lovey Lovey Lovey Lovey Lovey

I am aiming for 4. Are you offering to be no.3???????????. Lovey Lovey Lovey Lovey Lovey Lovey

I thought I was booked in for No.3?

Hehe -- like this sketch, Charley. Excellent.


I can have more than one at a time guys. David you can be Monday, Andy you can be Wednesday. Any offers for the rest of the week????????

I'd quite like 'The Rest of The Week' as I feel more and more tired the older I get...

Mondays is recovering from the weekend. Don't know what I'm doing at the weekend though. Tuesdays is dodgy - football & writing group. Wednesdays - um? Not trying to put you off or anything.

David. You didnt mention Thursdays. Do you wash your hair on Thursday.
If so i am great at spraying wet stuff on you.

Thursdays is ... after wednesday. Tell me the chemical breakdown of this wet stuff and I'll let you know.

Hey, Charley, I've noticed that your dialogue is very similar in style to the way you post which makes me wonder how auto biographical this sketch is. I actually found it funny, funny and scary, in a bunny boiling sort of way. Teary

The Wife sounds like my ex she used to play those little games "come on it'll be fun..YOU answer first" long story short she was nuts. any way back to your work I liked it, I was cringing but in a good way. scary... :D

No offence, but this idea has been used over and over again in sketches, sitcoms, and even stand-ups. The dialogue you use is notably better than what is usually done, but the idea itself prevents me from liking it too much.

Quote: David Chapman @ April 1, 2007, 12:24 AM

Thursdays is ... after wednesday. Tell me the chemical breakdown of this wet stuff and I'll let you know.

Beer! Pinot! Curry!

Yey i suppose its like everything, it has nearly always been done before in some way. Its about making your own individual mark on something and i think i have, well to my knowledge anyhoo.

Thanks again for all the comments. I am doing a few a day and i will still post on here some of them for your perusal. (i lurrrrve that word).

Cheers all. Big wet kisses.XXX


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