British Comedy Guide

The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse

The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse

Just bit of advanced warning the above film will be shown on film4 on Thursday 7th September at 9 p.m the first time on British free TV unless I miss it.


Aha, thanks for that. Not seen it myself, but might watch out for it. :)

Just bought the DVD ... Doh!

I think, that it was the weakest release of the Gentlemen. I didnĀ“t like it.

I love the film, but then I'm a massive fan of them.

I agree with the League though, that now the film's done, it's time to move away from the Royston Vasey characters and do something new.

I can't wait to see it on Thursday.

For me, the premise seemed so good on paper: Characters breaking into the real world (even if it borrowed heavily from Woody Allen's Purple Rose of Cairo plot).

The opening was excellent. But when the film moved to London, focussing on just three RVassey characters, one of whom was the weaker of all the characters (Herr Lipp) it really became a very average drama than a comedy. imo. Because Herr Lipp was involved, most of the gags became very weak double-entendres focussing around him 'taking in hand' etc (Supply your favourite H. Lipp line here)

The section going back to even earlier LOG characters seemed over-long and although i knew it was integral to the plot (at some yet-to-be revealed point in the film) it left me wondering why they didn't break up that section with Cut To:S

The finale was an improvement but in dramatic content not comedy. And i really did enjoy the final twist, which was superb. I also enjoyed the way they presented their real life personas as big headed and self-obsessed (the pop art, self-mastabatory portraits on their walls was a great example, although misunderstood by much of the media.)

Overall, it was so disappointing from a group of writers that are up there with the best. Why didn't they hire a script-editor who could have said "Re-write, but this time with jokes."

The only thing I would change is to have more of them being themselves (only exaggerated) in it. They cut a lot out, apparently - So as not to be too self indulgent. But they were some of my favourite bits.
Steve having about 3 million kids and Reece being arrogant (and calling disabled people mongs). I'd watch a film just about that to be honest.

Watched this last night. Loved it, certainly not your usual film spin off. I loved watching Steve play Herr Lipp playing Steve. Bit of a mind fuck.

It's not the best spin off, but they tried to do something else with it that wasn't sending them away abroad/ I may have to rewatch again, I felt really disappointed when I first saw it and I watched it with a few friends who were League fans and they felt the same way. But at least it was brave, and there are some great lines in it. I liked the Hammer-esque sequence in it the best. But I'd love another movie from them. Not another movie from...

While I enjoyed the film I really do not like it when the characters find out that they are a work of fiction. It's a really annoying plot. Red Dwarf did it in Back To Earth and again I can enjoy it because it's still them doing there thing like the LOG but it takes the fun out of watching these and being immersed at the same time.

31 horror films for October. Day 2.

The "King's Evil" stuff is better than the rest of the film.

Michael Sheen as Jeremy Dyson always makes me laugh, the idea he's the pathetic desperate one who has the theme tune as his ringtone.

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