British Comedy Guide

Peanuts and other associated nuts.

OK well you asked for it.

I do love peanuts with my crisps. A bowlful mixed together.

Generally these are salted peanuts but I do occasionally like Dry Roast peanuts. I love honey but feel the honey ones a bit sickly. Sometimes I have other flavoured ones.

Also I probably mentioned this before but do you remember when Woolworths would have a big container of them and you'd buy them by weight rather than pre-packed. I really loved them. They don't taste like that anymore.

Peanuts always remind me of pre-vomit. They're nuts for commoners. Your quality nuts are pistachio, cashew and, to a lesser extent, almonds.

Honey roasted cashews, please.

Quote: chipolata @ 30th September 2024, 3:05 PM

Peanuts always remind me of pre-vomit. They're nuts for commoners. Your quality nuts are pistachio, cashew and, to a lesser extent, almonds.

Eeww swipe me, ain't we posh, don't yer know

I do like cashews but they're about twice the price of peanuts.

I cannot read 'peanuts' without hearing Eric Morecambe call "PEEAAAAAAAA-NUUUTS!"

I remember when peanut sellers were a regular sight walking round the perimeter of the pitch at top-flight football matches during the game.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 30th September 2024, 9:36 PM

I remember when peanut sellers were a regular sight


Loved him in the Goons

Yes I also like a Honey Cashew, and a pistachio
never been that keen on Dry Roasted

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 30th September 2024, 3:39 PM

Eeww swipe me, ain't we posh, don't yer know

Don't worry, herc, I'll find you a job as my bad tempered butler. The pay is three shillings a month and a shiny half crown at Christmas.

Quote: Chappers @ 30th September 2024, 5:12 PM

I do like cashews but they're about twice the price of peanuts.

Spend less on crisps, then you might be able to afford cashews.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 30th September 2024, 10:29 PM

Loved him in the Goons


Quote: chipolata @ 1st October 2024, 11:41 AM

Don't worry, herc, I'll find you a job as my bad tempered butler. The pay is three shillings a month and a shiny half crown at Christmas.

Gawd bless yer guv! Can I lick your boots** clean now, what with you being a toff and 'at?

**"Gentlemen don't wear boots, at least not those with the tab hanging out of the back" - Answers on a postcard to the usual address

No love for chestnuts? Bit of oil, baked with sprouts, I could eat that any day.

I recommend toasted walnuts, pine nuts or pecan nuts, in fact all nuts are better hot, tasty little things.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 9th October 2024, 6:58 AM

I recommend toasted walnuts, pine nuts or pecan nuts, in fact all nuts are better hot, tasty little things.

I expect you enjoy tea-bagging too, as I believe hot nuts are involved with that delicacy

No. Just tea.

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