British Comedy Guide


I could've sworn there was one but I've done a search.

I've just bought some new Walkers Sausage Sarnie ones but they're a real let down. I hate the ones where they're just broken and small. And really not that tasty.

I just bought a packet of Walkers Crispy Chicken flavour
I did find the Crispy description of the flavour redundant given that they are crisps
And In any case I prefer Walkers Crispy Cheese and onion

Crisps are shit.

You can't beat simple salt and vinegar flavour.

There's a major crisp manufacturer about 8 miles from my house (Seabrook)
All through my childhood with the wind blowing the right way you could smell them in the air on frying days.
Best advertising ever because you always wanted some then.

Quote: chipolata @ 28th September 2024, 7:36 AM

You can't beat simple salt and vinegar flavour.

Agree 100%, but haven't had any since I started this diet I'm on since last year

Prefers Walkers too, but (and how do other peeps come down on this) - since the dawn of time it was always Green for Onion and Blue for Salt, but then Walkers decided they were going to do their flavour/colour packet reverse to that, which is slightly piss griping

Bring back Walkers worcester sauce flavour! (In purple.)

I we're going back in time, I used to love Smith's Oxo flavour

One of my favourite ever flavours was Barbecue Spare Rib. I can't remember who made them.

Apart from Roast Chicken, I'm starting to like those Walkers Baked crisps as they're supposed to be healthier, especially Cheese and Onion and Prawn Cocktail.

Just for the record I HATE Salt and Vinegar.

1,362 flavours to sample:

Quote: Chappers @ 28th September 2024, 12:58 PM

Just for the record I HATE Salt and Vinegar.

😮 I don't like you anymore

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 28th September 2024, 2:55 PM

1,362 flavours to sample:

Good find, Billy! What a rum list - things like passion fruit.. banana.. Evil Eye, whatever the bloody Hell that'd taste like..?

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 28th September 2024, 3:13 PM

😮 I don't like you anymore

I'd ban Chappers from the forum for that bit of salt and vinegar hate.

Walkers are OK - I used to like the Barbecue flavour they did in black packets, which they don't seem to do anymore. Generally though, I tend to prefer crisps with a bit more 'oomph', like McCoys, or PopChips (Barbecue flavour), which tend to have better texture and more flavour IMO, and less likely to be all broken up as Chappers experienced with his Sausage Sarnie ones.

I recommend the new Flaming Hot crunchy Wotsits, they're basically nik naks but in a new flavour. They hurt my mouth but oh my god it is worth it.

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