British Comedy Guide


"Is it okay if we go back to the police station now?"

Absolutely loved the first episode of Mark Brotherhood's latest comedy. A very strong start for the series, and such a nice change to have an actually funny, interesting comedy on television - and a mainstream channel in primetime, at that. Bravo.

Wasn't going to watch it, but David Mitchell was on the One Show tonight, and he sold it to me, though it hasn't been promoted as a comedy as such.

Anyway, thoroughly enjoyed it! And very much looking forward to see how it develops

Pretty good I thought.
Good premise with, I presume, a "case of the week" and the brother mystery being eked out over the season.
i like the Jonathan Creek-esque nature of the lead character's puzzling skills, as well as the flashbacks to the brothers' formative past.
Laugh out loud, but at the same time, complex enough to be satisfying.
Will be continuing.

Agreed. Very promising.

It was like Jonathan Creek meets Monk meets Sherlock. Really loved it.

Quote: zooo @ 26th September 2024, 1:21 PM

It was like Jonathan Creek meets Monk meets Sherlock. Really loved it.

Yes, and I even thought I heard strains of the Jonathan Creek theme music for a couple of bars, having just watched an episode on one of the U channels, so perhaps it's a hoomarge as some dicks like to pronounce it

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 26th September 2024, 3:49 PM

Yes, and I even thought I heard strains of the Jonathan Creek theme music for a couple of bars, having just watched an episode on one of the U channels, so perhaps it's a hoomarge as some dicks like to pronounce it


I liked how they got all the witnesses together to discuss the case, but he just put up one of his grids and with various cross references (who was with who, who saw who and where etc.) and in a quick process of elimination he said "Well, it was suspect B" and as they all looked at her she burst out crying and admitted the murder, so in a matter of minutes he had a solved a case that looked like it was going to drag on in a usual police investigation, leaving everyone stunned.

Also, what I think will come up again, is the smoking female detective in the car park suspiciously wondering why he didn't seem to be able to drive his own car properly.

Quote: zooo @ 26th September 2024, 1:21 PM

It was like Jonathan Creek meets Monk meets Sherlock. Really loved it.

Funnily enough that comparison is why I disliked Ludwig. The brother mystery is interesting, but we only met the suspects of the case of the week about ten minutes from the end, were given no information about the crime and then a speech solves it all, I didn't find that fun to watch at all because I didn't care. David Renwick's genius in Creek is that he seeds everything in so that when you rewatch the answer is actually there from the start.

The theme and incidental music is definitely intended to be evoking Beethoven for obvious reasons.
I agree that there may well be an affectionate nod to Jonathan Creek in there too, although I've not noticed it yet.

Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 27th September 2024, 10:53 AM

Funnily enough that comparison is why I disliked Ludwig. The brother mystery is interesting, but we only met the suspects of the case of the week about ten minutes from the end, were given no information about the crime and then a speech solves it all, I didn't find that fun to watch at all because I didn't care. David Renwick's genius in Creek is that he seeds everything in so that when you rewatch the answer is actually there from the start.

I think you need to forgive an opening episode for dealing with the "Case of the Week' in a slightly perfunctory manner.
There's a lot of setting up of the character, the situation and backstory to get into 58 mins.
One would expect the proportion of time spent on the weeks' 'case' to increase.

Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 27th September 2024, 10:53 AM

David Renwick's genius in Creek is that he seeds everything in so that when you rewatch the answer is actually there from the start.

I recently rewatched the first couple of episodes of Creek and don't think it was the case there! I'm not sure it's entirely a fair comparison either, as whilst there is indeed a case of the week, Creek doesn't have an over-arching story at all.

Is that Alma with a black wig?

Or dyed, yes.

Quote: Aaron @ 27th September 2024, 10:06 PM

Or dyed, yes.

I recognised her nostrils.

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