British Comedy Guide

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it's terrible but I have given up reporting.
It's akin to walking down the high street and a bloke stands in your way holding a placard in your face that says 'shop at Jones.
And he won't move until you go to Jones shop.

Quote: MrsLogicFromViz @ 1st February 2024, 6:05 PM

I am trying to navigate this site and the pop ups are driving me crazy! I just wanted to delve into a bit of comedy but I fear that I will put my foot through the screen in a moment. I'll be sending Mark and Aaron the bill though - apologies guys, but this is just too much to bear.

Agh! We're going to be changing our advertising set-up very shortly, so it should all become much easier.

Are the pop-ups you're experiencing what people have described above? If any different it'd be useful to hear so we can make sure they are excised too.

Thanks all. I am the grumpiest of goats at the moment but this does make me feel much better.

If you use the Duckduckgo browser, all adverts are gone. So it's a Chrome problem.
But that browser is very clunky and it probably stops advertising revenue.


I use one on my phone called "free ad blocker" - it does what it says on the tin SOMETIMES.

We've nearly completed moving over to a new advertising provider today, so you should no longer experience the clunky, overlapping adverts that were previously being shown on the forums.

At the moment we're still working with the new company to refine exactly how and where they're deployed, so if you see any issues on any page, please take a screenshot and post below so that we can investigate.

Thank you all for your patience, and sorry for the prior inconvenience.

Quote: Aaron @ 25th March 2024, 8:46 PM

We've nearly completed moving over to a new advertising provider today, so you should no longer experience the clunky, overlapping adverts that were previously being shown on the forums.

At the moment we're still working with the new company to refine exactly how and where they're deployed, so if you see any issues on any page, please take a screenshot and post below so that we can investigate.

Thank you all for your patience, and sorry for the prior inconvenience.

Thank you, Aaron - hopefully all will be well soon.

I've disabled the Chrome AdBlocker extension and so far no pop up ads so looking good up my end.

Thanks DT, much obliged!

Not really a problem - but is it just me, or are the things on the BCG forum, particularly the text, noticeably bigger now? Or maybe even a different font?

I don't think it's a DPI scaling (resolution) issue on my end as it only seems to be on the BCG forum, not the main BCG page or any other website.

We have made some tweaks to the site today, yes. However, they shouldn't be particularly noticeable in most cases. If it's really noticeable and looks unnatural do post a screenshot and I will look into it.

It's OK, everything's just a bit bigger - noticeable, but not a problem.

Funnily enough this is my third attempt posting this, I kept getting the error message "This page isn't is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500" so I thought that was gonna be another issue to report! But it seems OK now.

EDIT: And now the bit in the top right corner where I click to log out, go to private messages, etc. (to the right of the search function icon) seems to have disappeared!
Perhaps you're still tweaking things so it'll come back. (I can still have access to that stuff on the 'Overview' page for the time being).

Ah, sorry about that! Some of the changes do require back-end systems to update themselves, so you may have encountered it being busy doing that. Hopefully it doesn't continue.

My edit function has vanished...??

We're working on some system changes today to improve efficiency and fix a couple of bugs. Sounds like you may have been caught out amidst that. Try reloading the page? If the problem persists, do share which page (URL) it's on, and which post. In the meantime if you go in to Quote yourself then change the URL from /quote/ to /edit/ that should still bring you to the edit screen without issue.

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