British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 2,305

Well, in the absence of Brian Rix, and in deference to it being August Bank Holiday Monday, I've decided on a Jolly Boys' Outing to Margate with OFAH.

And there was me thinking you would appreciate my homage to Brian Rix 😒

Was Brian Rix always a Bank Holiday thing then?

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 26th August 2024, 11:28 PM

And there was me thinking you would appreciate my homage to Brian Rix 😒

I did. But it merely served to remind me how much I was missing the real thing :(

Quote: Chappers @ 27th August 2024, 7:46 AM

Was Brian Rix always a Bank Holiday thing then?

Oh yes (I suppose you're too young to remember)!

I quote from Wikipedia:

During the next 18 years, Rix presented more than 90 one-night-only television farces on the BBC. These were often presented at Christmas or on other bank holidays with viewing figures often reaching 15 million. In the early 1960s, Rix was the highest-paid actor (along with Robert Morley) to appear on BBC Television. Alongside the regulars from his theatre company, Rix appeared in these TV productions with such names as Dora Bryan, Joan Sims, Ian Carmichael, John Le Mesurier, Patrick Cargill, Fabia Drake, Sheila Hancock, Warren Mitchell, Thora Hird and Francis Matthews. Only a handful of the televised farces remain in the BBC archive, however.

If "a handful of the televised farces remain in the BBC archive", get them out and give them an airing for goodness sake.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 26th August 2024, 3:42 PM

Will this do for now?



Quote: Billy Bunter @ 12th August 2024, 9:05 PM

"Call My Bluff". Frank Muir with his bow-tie, Patrick Campbell with his stutter & Robert Robinson with his comb-over.

And panellist Miles Kingston smoking his way through tv he programme!

Two of them at it this week, Woodward and Geeson. When the camera panned out a bit I saw that every contestant had their own ashtray. quite right. It was 1975 after all.
Got to be honest, although I was only about 3 months old then I used to find these sort of progs which were on a lot at the time very tedious and dry.

Now I absolutely love them in my 30s and wish they showed more of them, and that all panellists were as well spoken and good mannered as they all are. Funny how your taste can change so much eh?

Never missed Call My Bluff with Mr. Combover - extraordinaire, (when they first came on - I am ancient, you know) and thoroughly enjoying them again as I was hoping one day the Beeb would bring them out on DVD, but this is just as good as I am burning them to disc for posterior

Yes, very surprised to see Judy smoking (preferred her younger sister Sally - phwoar, yes please) and it was only to be expected that Callan would have a fag on, and now I'll take the opportunity to crack my corny joke.............

What do you call a man with three wooden heads?

Edward Woodward

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 28th August 2024, 3:40 PM


Funny how your taste can change so much eh?

I like to be awake by 5:50 on Saturday mornings to listen to The Billy Cotton Bandshow on Angel Radio. Or, failing that at 6:50 for their +1. Would probably have turned it off back in the day. Likewise recordings of The Good Old Days. The one thing that I still turn off in disgust is Sing Something Simple

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 28th August 2024, 4:14 PM

I like to be awake by 5:50 on Saturday mornings to listen to The Billy Cotton Bandshow on Angel Radio. Or, failing that at 6:50 for their +1. Would probably have turned it off back in the day. Likewise recordings of The Good Old Days. The one thing that I still turn off in disgust is Sing Something Simple

😆 I have a live recording of Sing Something Simple I found on a reel to reel I bought some years ago at a boot sale, and so pleased transferred it to cassette so I could listen to it at my leisure. I find it comforting, soothing and a reminder of saner times, and dare I say it, I have even since then bought two proper CDs to add to my listening pleasure. Here's one of them........


PS Thanks for the tip about Billy Cotton - such memories for me on a Sunday post lunch (then called dinner) when I used to listen to it with my Mum & Dad 😊

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 28th August 2024, 4:25 PM

PS Thanks for the tip about Billy Cotton - such memories for me on a Sunday post lunch (then called dinner) when I used to listen to it with my Mum & Dad 😊


Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 28th August 2024, 4:25 PM

😆 I have a live recording of Sing Something Simple I found on a reel to reel I bought some years ago at a boot sale, and so pleased transferred it to cassette so I could listen to it at my leisure. I find it comforting, soothing and a reminder of saner times, and dare I say it, I have even since then bought two proper CDs to add to my listening pleasure. Here's one of them........

You ARE old!

Never denied it 😁

Music night tonight. Bowie documentary on Sky Arts and the start of a Bolan one before I turn over to BBC4 for an hour of Elvis Costello followed by an hour of Nick Lowe.

(I have to say I never saw Bolan live)

Those Bowie docs. have been repeated so many times - I burnt all of them to DVD about a year ago.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 30th August 2024, 11:07 PM

Those Bowie docs. have been repeated so many times - I burnt all of them to DVD about a year ago.

I know. I've seen it before but still good to see again.

I think I'm off to bed after Costello. Hope to watch Nick Lowe on catchup later.

So decided to watch this awful toe-curling early 1960s short 30 min. (thank heavens!) pop film from the Baim collection on TPTV called ironically "Money Sings", because it was primarily about a new pop singer called Johnny Carson whose singing was about as wooden as his acting, and so it is little wonder that he immediately disappeared into obscurity - in fact, I had a struggle find anything about him, apart from a poor promo photo.

ANYWAY, what made me want to watch it was because there was a certain more famous person mentioned in the opening titles with a bit part, and knowing who he was I wondered how he would fit into what basically was a pop promo of its time, but there he was lamenting the shortage of money, dressed as Mr. Micawber.

And I know one person on this forum who should recognise him............


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