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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,830

I think he's only calling the rioters 'far-right', isn't he?
Not sure he's suggested that everyone who wants to control immigration is far-right.
For a start, that would make the Labour Party Manifesto 'far-right'.

Exactly. No one's shedding any tears for the rioters. Most people recognise they're a bunch of racist knobs.

I'm telling you what is happening and what people think. They genuinely think Starmer is calling them that.
He's dropped a bollock and is falling fast - he said it in Northern Ireland yesterday.
He needs to lay off with the intimation of all who disagree with the illegal immigrants flooding in.

He had a go at the rioters in N. Ireland.
Not the whole population.

Of course if the Conservative party had done what it promised in countless manifestos and addressed the problem- we wouldn't be in this big a mess now....

He could stop it today, so could have the Conservatives. It's a national scandal, not a party one.
It's a Trojan Horse scenario.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st August 2024, 7:41 AM

He could stop it today,


Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st August 2024, 7:41 AM

It's a Trojan Horse scenario.


Don't pretend to be naive.

How could he stop it today?
It's not so simple.

It's obvious

Put them all on planes and fly them to Timbuktu

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st August 2024, 10:45 AM

Don't pretend to be naive.

Don't pretend to know the answer.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st August 2024, 7:41 AM

He could stop it today, so could have the Conservatives. It's a national scandal, not a party one.
It's a Trojan Horse scenario.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about on this.

It's ok

'The Coop' has got this

The Home Office confirmed Labour's new Border Security Command "is gearing up" after the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats topped 19,000 this year so far.

Yvette Cooper will today reveal plans to recruit 100 new specialist intelligence officers for the National Crime Agency and increase immigration detention spaces in a bid to enable more returns.

According to the Home Office, Labour believes it can achieve "the highest rate of removals of those with no right to be here, including failed asylum seekers" since 2018.

Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper said: "We are taking strong and clear steps to boost our border security and ensure the rules are respected and enforced.

"Our new Border Security Command is already gearing up, with new staff being urgently recruited and additional staff already stationed across Europe. They will work with European enforcement agencies to find every route in to smashing the criminal smuggling gangs organising dangerous boat crossings which undermine our border security and put lives at risk.

Ms Cooper added: "And by increasing enforcement capabilities and returns, we will establish a system that is better controlled and managed, in place of the chaos that has blighted the system for far too long."

Jenricks response is - no forget all that, let's re-start Rwanda up again ASAP


I'm glad you all came out to refute my claims, safety in numbers and all that.
And the special award goes to Hallam for his 25th quote of me.

Quote: lofthouse @ 21st August 2024, 5:33 PM

It's ok

'The Coop' has got this

They do need to reach ou to the French a bit more but, apart from that, whilst not being overly ambitious, it is practical and do-able.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st August 2024, 5:35 PM

I'm glad you all came out to refute my claims, safety in numbers and all that.
And the special award goes to Hallam for his 25th quote of me.

And when you lot pile on to Lofty - that's different is it?
(Not that he needs me to defend him)
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
And if you're not going to back up your claims - I'm sorry - but you're going to get a bit of gyp.

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