British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,821

Ricky Jones, an elected councillor in Dartford, was filmed ranting that the far-right should have their throats cut.

One of yours I presume.

Will he be arrested and sent to jail for 3 years or will 2 tier policing be proved?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th August 2024, 11:05 AM

That's the problem with forums... someone nips in when you are writing about the poster that just posted and you end up 2 down - so it looks like you are talking about the one above you.
I was replying to Zoo about the perfect country with no dumps until 2 weeks ago.

While we're discussing communication, I was confused by your "is it Donald's day off?" post a few days ago. Nobody was discussing Trump. What was that about?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th August 2024, 1:22 PM

Ricky Jones, an elected councillor in Dartford, was filmed ranting that the far-right should have their throats cut.

One of yours I presume.

Will he be arrested and sent to jail for 3 years or will 2 tier policing be proved?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th August 2024, 1:30 PM

Even then, not very clear who you are addressing.
Yes, if that's true, he should get in trouble for saying that.
Hopefully, it's all dying down now.
Some people on here really haven't covered themselves in glory in the last few days though.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th August 2024, 1:22 PM

Ricky Jones, an elected councillor in Dartford, was filmed ranting that the far-right should have their throats cut.

One of yours I presume.

Will he be arrested and sent to jail for 3 years or will 2 tier policing be proved?

Suspended already - and yes I hope he is prosecuted.
Though I thought you were against 'hurty words' being a crime?

Saying you think someone should have their throat cut in his position is dumb and he is an idiot - but is it a crime?

Is it like ACTUALLY setting fire to a police van? Or actually throwing a flaming bin through a window? Or actually violently assaulting a policeman?

Hardly comparable

He's Labour so he must be a nice guy.
But he shouldn't go to prison for inciting violence - no, only the far-right thugs deserve that.
Cutting throats is minor stuff.

Did he cut someone's throat?

Did he threaten to go and cut someone's throat?

The word is 'inciting. If it's good for the goose....

Imagine the other side saying it with a loudspeaker while the crowd cheered and clapped along.

I think there is general agreement that inciting violence is bad but committing acts of violence is worse.

Do you mean like the 2 children shot and in hospital with wounds?

If there is a silver lining from all this chaos - hopefully people are beginning to see what a pillock Farage really is...

Nigel Farage has seen his favourability ratings take a knock over the last week, and now has a negative net favourability score among Leave voters for the first time (-4, compared to +7 on 30-31 Jul) His score has fallen particular among Tory voters (from -10 to -27) - among the wider public it has gone down from -35 to -42

How's Kier doing?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th August 2024, 2:52 PM

Do you mean like the 2 children shot and in hospital with wounds?

Three were killed not two. The victims were stabbed not shot. Clearly the facts don't interest you much.
No one here is defending that crime. You seem to be advocating further violence towards other innocent people though. Most people don't.

I meant the shootings in South London, 2 children and a man shot

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