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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,818

No - not the "nation of UK residents".
This was specifically addressing the Muslim community in the West-Midlands.
Which you would have known if you'd watched the video rather than just regurgitate right-wing memes.
He's just being polite - like saying bonjour and merci to a load of French people.

And as to why you would connect that with the entirely reasonable expectation that we don't incite racial hatred from our homes, or anywhere else, is beyond me.

Putin will be loving seeing we getting more like a Russian police state every day. Dare to stand up to Stalin I mean Starmer, he'll put you away. Unless you're a lefty Muslim, who are allowed to police themselves, it's been revealed.

Anti immigration protesters (and rioters) - Labelled Far Right and being policed heavily and then arrested and quickly jailed

Anti Israel protesters supporting banned terrorist organisation and calling for Jihad - Not labelled Far Left, hardly being policed and not even arrested

Definition of Keir's Two Tier Policing

You need to go and chuck a rock at a mosque.
Get it out of your system.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 7th August 2024, 6:25 PM

Putin will be loving seeing we getting more like a Russian police state every day. Dare to stand up to Stalin I mean Starmer, he'll put you away. Unless you're a lefty Muslim, who are allowed to police themselves, it's been revealed.

Anti immigration protesters (and rioters) - Labelled Far Right and being policed heavily and then arrested and quickly jailed

Anti Israel protesters supporting banned terrorist organisation and calling for Jihad - Not labelled Far Left, hardly being policed and not even arrested

Definition of Keir's Two Tier Policing

Honestly. Such rubbish. Not helpful.


Go and poke some dog poo through an Asian family's letter box

That'll show em'


Fancy sharing a cell with Basher Biggs and he asks 'what are you in for?
'I retweeted a tweet.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 7th August 2024, 6:05 PM

The chief of police greets the nation of UK residents with As-Salaam-Alaikum and ends it with shukran.
Then we are told if you retweet something they think is inciting hatred, you will be arrested from your home.

Why on Earth shouldn't people who are inciting violence be arrested?

They'll have you soon ----house for your hateful words. Don't answer the door.

Quote: Chappers @ 7th August 2024, 5:59 PM

Well if they're going to cut short prison sentences what deterrent is there for these riots?

They are being very tough on sentencing rioters. Watch the news!

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th August 2024, 6:38 PM

Why on Earth shouldn't people who are inciting violence be arrested?

As others have said, you purposely misread posts to give smug answers

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th August 2024, 6:24 PM

He's just being polite - like saying bonjour and merci to a load of French people.

Yes I can imagine the French authorities greeting us in English.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 7th August 2024, 6:46 PM

As others have said, you purposely misread posts to give smug answers

Really? How interesting. I haven't seen anyone saying that myself.
Sticking to the subject, why do you think it's okay to incite hatred online?

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th August 2024, 6:31 PM

You need to go and chuck a rock at a mosque.
Get it out of your system.

No I don't want to get you arrested for inciting me to violence, as obviously you've left a comms trail the Police will have to investigate. And I don't think you're a truly bad person underneath it all.

Quote: Lazzard @ 7th August 2024, 6:24 PM

And as to why you would connect that with the entirely reasonable expectation that we don't incite racial hatred from our homes, or anywhere else, is beyond me.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th August 2024, 6:55 PM

Really? How interesting. I haven't seen anyone saying that myself.
Sticking to the subject, why do you think it's okay to incite hatred online?

No answer to that eh? Clearly you prefer being rude to people than discussing the issues. A bit like the Far Right thugs you're defending.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 7th August 2024, 6:05 PM

The chief of police greets the nation of UK residents with As-Salaam-Alaikum and ends it with shukran.
Then we are told if you retweet something they think is inciting hatred, you will be arrested from your home.

Translate please.

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