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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,817

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 6th August 2024, 5:23 PM

Yes, because it's all been getting so well for the Labour government (as Starmer's approval rating plummets 16 pts according the the latest YouGov poll) and the "Free World" has become so much safer and secure over the four years since its current (so-called) leader took office.

Polling is interesting actually.
Starmer's popularity surged after the election and Labour are still way ahead.
Sky summarise the other findings about the riots:
"86% of Britons think social media has been a driving force behind the violence, beaten only by those actually taking part at 88%.

The other main contributors to the disorder, according to the public, are far right groups, news media, recent immigration policy, and EDL founder Tommy Robinson.

Just under half of people think Reform leader Nigel Farage bears some responsibility for what's happened, after he questioned - baselessly - whether police were hiding information about the Southport knife attack from the public."
Most people support the government on this, not the Far Right thugs.

All of that is true. All I said (implied) is that it hasn't been going well for the new Labour government and that Starmer's popularity has plummeted by 16 pts according to the latest YouGov poll. That is also true.

The new Labour government is still doing pretty well, I would argue.

Reform UK voters are the most likely to have positive opinions of the riots and rioters, although this is still a minority view among these voters

Support the riots
Reform: 21%
Con: 9%
Lab/LD: 1-3%

Have sympathy for the views of the rioters
Reform: 25%
Con: 8%
Lab/LD: 2-4%

Think the riots are justified
Reform: 33%
Con: 16%
Lab/LD: 2-4%

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 6th August 2024, 6:58 PM

The new Labour government is still doing pretty well, I would argue.

Sorry. Where's the Roll on the floor laughing emoji?

Quote: Chappers @ 6th August 2024, 7:37 PM

Sorry. Where's the Roll on the floor laughing emoji?

Sorry, but they are. They didn't cause the current crisis and are handling it well.

Aye, 2 tier Kier is handling it well.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 6th August 2024, 7:50 PM

Sorry, but they are. They didn't cause the current crisis and are handling it well.

Actions (or lack of) have consequences.

Much like when he was DPP. He wasn't directly responsible so it wasn't his fault. Even though he was supposedly in charge.

Not sure exactly what you're accusing Starmer of now.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th August 2024, 10:48 AM

Not sure exactly what you're accusing Starmer of now.

Of rather annoyingly getting a Labour government into power?

Braverman and 30p Lee incited riots

Starmer tries to stop them

Spot the difference

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 7th August 2024, 8:33 AM

Actions have consequences.

Like when Thatcher caused the Poll Tax Riots by introducing the Poll Tax.

This month Dylan Carey has been out on the streets, rioting - he pleaded guilty at court today

Last month he was out on the streets- canvassing for Reform U.K.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 7th August 2024, 10:48 AM

Not sure exactly what you're accusing Starmer of now.

Well if they're going to cut short prison sentences what deterrent is there for these riots?

The chief of police greets the nation of UK residents with As-Salaam-Alaikum and ends it with shukran.
Then we are told if you retweet something they think is inciting hatred, you will be arrested from your home.

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