British Comedy Guide

BCG Fantasy Premier League 2024/25

Well, someone had to start it!

9 of us in it so far, BUT only 3 in the Head to Head!

An invite code might help.

Yes of course, but not for publication here for obvious reasons, and as Godot organised it, it's up to him who joins it. So please feel free to PM him..........

Well with me being one of the renegades, I shan't expect that very soon.

We can't even put a call out for new players without the league code, so hopefully Godot will pick up on this. If he doesn't just slag off his mate Corbyn again, that should do it. 3 weeks to go, we could do with another player or two.

Hmm, I wonder what the mystery chip is, when it's available?

As it happens, I had just PMd Godot in between Stephen and your post, highlighting that there was only 3 of us in the H2H - the FPL should take care of itself as those registered last year with "Up the Clique Without a Paddle" will be automatically included, which so far as happened and excludes Rushmore, of course.

Which leads me onto the PM I sent you over 3 weeks ago with regards to Rushmore. I'm saying no more than that, apart from he is using you.
Godot gave me the code for the H2H (and Billy too, it seems) but I'm not handing it out without G's say so, and if you want it, I suggest you PM Godot for it. He is organising it, it's his rules, and I am certainly happy with that.

My only concern is, if you get the code, you will pass it to Rushmore, who will once again get a foot in the door.

It starts...

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 26th July 2024, 10:11 AM

It starts...

Sure does, if you want to look at it that way, but everything was reasonably OK last season, until Alf started another league purely to accommodate Rushmore, and I for one certainly don't want to see a repeat of that farrago.

If Godot's good to his word than Don will indeed be back in the main league where he belongs. He's a top player and contributes to league banter more than most. No one should be excluded on another player's sayso, it's not sporting, imo.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 26th July 2024, 10:29 PM

He's a top player and contributes to league banter more than most. .

No he doesn't! I've no idea where you get that from, apart from aggressive aggravation, trying to wind people up, and why you support a cheat is a mystery to me!

Enters two teams so he can then pick the one that is doing best, (and THAT is why he is "a top player" Jeez!! When is it going to sink in with you?!?) And apparently at one time had his account suspended by the FPL for having multiple teams.

WHY you continue to champion this lack of sportsmanship is crazy.

It's blokey style football banter, so there's bound to be a wind up element to some of it, he posts more than several members here, whether you like his posts or not. You're relaying Godot's views as proven facts whether they are or not, and he effectively missed two seasons due to Godot's arbitrary on the spur rule making, and is due back here according to those same rules.

He's also played here longer than anyone except Dan and Steve Sunshine and has the best league record of any of us. He's also been far less personal/aggressive than your good self in the last couple of league threads at least, and no one is complaining about that. I just don't agree with trying to push someone out of a 'game' for personal reasons, I hope you understand. 🙂 Good luck all, as long as I win this time. Now hmm...Maguire or Dier...hmm.

This forum topic has always been 'no quarter taken, no quarter given.

It adds to the fun and no one should take it personally. Anyway good luck to all players this season.
I emailed Horse a week ago but as yet, no reply. I do hope he's ok.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd August 2024, 11:43 AM

I emailed Horse a week ago but as yet, no reply. I do hope he's ok.

Well, he's in the league.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 3rd August 2024, 11:20 AM

It's blokey style football banter, so there's bound to be a wind up element to some of it, he posts more than several members here, (Really? See below!!) whether you like his posts or not.

You haven't been on the end of his constant pathetic diatribes and mock tables, because he's been climbing up your whatchermecallit - so far in fact, its' a wonder he can breathe

He's also been far less personal/aggressive than your good self in the last couple of league threads at least, and no one is complaining about that..

I refer you to above, and you can ask your "mate" while he's 'up there', why he didn't comment on him talking about Super 6 on the FPL thread, which confusingly leads on to his non-reply to my question "AND HOW MANY TIMES have you posted on the SUPER 6 THREAD, Don? 9 TIMES. YES, DON - pathetically 9 times, compared to my 54."

I suggest you take those rose tinted glasses off, Alf, especially when it comes to number of posts

By the way, to go off topic - I thought you wanted me to help you with your themed quiz? I'm here with arms open wide

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 3rd August 2024, 11:43 AM

It adds to the fun and no one should take it personally.

Of course you don't take it personally, because it's not you week in week out.
I think he's mentally unbalanced as I don't see the fun of somebody relentlessly making things uncomfortable
I tried early on offering a hand of friendship, but he just ignored it and carried on with his childish behaviour. All rather pathetic really.

Yes he's posted more on the league threads than Dan, J Pass, Anton, Steve F, even when he wasn't allowed in the league the last two seasons. And just to clarify, he never asked me to start a mini league or contacted me.

I decided at 11th hour to give him a chance to play in a another league, annoyed at the unfairness of a unilateral decision to ban him, which Godot didn't even pretend wasn't to some degree, personal. Have you ever thought of not biting, Herc? Don's got a blunt bantery style with everyone, not just you.

Yes I just haven't got round to looking at it yet, that's if you have any matching Qs not already lined up in your 300 quizzes in the queue. Ta in advance.

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