British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,804

Where do I post this:

On an American vet prog. my wife follows, a man on there said he was "residentially impaired" i.e. he was homeless

WHY do the Yanks do that? Make up these ridiculous and comical phrases? To cover up the truth? I'm bewildered, but did get a laugh, or as they say laff.

Was he domiciled al fresco?

Like on the street, dude

Bet this scum are not laughing now


I think the history books will be kinder to them than the judge was.
I also think that, far from acting as a deterrent, it will radicalise many more people into action.

The sentences did seem severe.

Radicalise them my arse.
They'll shit themselves.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st July 2024, 3:02 PM

The sentences did seem severe.

Try telling that to all the people who missed urgent hospital appointments, exams, funerals... And their constant contempt of the proceedings in court didn't help matters.

They should have got the maximum 10 years.

As I said...

Quote: Lazzard @ 21st July 2024, 2:55 PM

I think the history books will be kinder to them than the judge was.

A lot of Suffragettes went to prison - and all they were fighting for was votes for women.

Their cause can't be altered by protests.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 21st July 2024, 4:08 PM

Their cause can't be altered by protests.

I am sure those women were told the same thing.

Yes but they didn't bring the M25 to a halt.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 21st July 2024, 4:32 PM

Yes but they didn't bring the M25 to a halt.

Whether they would or wouldn't have done, we will never know.

Then again there were also women that protested saying they don't want votes- that's just for men and that's how it should always be

Bloody women , you just can't win 😝

Meanwhile the tories are proving to be as crap in opposition as in government ...

"Shadow Health Secretary Victoria Atkins stands up at the dispatch box to shout at Environment Secretary Steve Reed while he is still speaking

Speaker: "The right honourable lady has behaved abominably"

Sit down and shut the f**k up you arrogant hysterical cow

Quote: lofthouse @ 21st July 2024, 5:10 PM

Meanwhile the tories are proving to be as crap in opposition as in government ...

"Shadow Health Secretary Victoria Atkins stands up at the dispatch box to shout at Environment Secretary Steve Reed while he is still speaking

Speaker: "The right honourable lady has behaved abominably"

Sit down and shut the f**k up you arrogant hysterical cow

On a Sunday?

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