British Comedy Guide

Douglas Is Cancelled Page 2

Quote: chipolata @ 4th July 2024, 9:02 AM

I do wonder if Moffat has ever actually even met a young person, because the ones in it were painfully one dimensional clichés. I know plenty of Gen Z's and they're nothing like the stereotypes in this show.

Surely comedies have always used inter-generational stereotypes, cliches and caricatures. Steptoe And Son, Till Death Us Do Part, Bless This House, Butterflies... Even the daughter in Yes Minister. That's how comedies work and why they are funny. If everyone acted as if in real life they wouldn't be funny. Real life is, in the main, not funny.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 4th July 2024, 1:43 PM

Surely comedies have always used inter-generational stereotypes, cliches and caricatures. Steptoe And Son, Till Death Us Do Part, Bless This House, Butterflies... Even the daughter in Yes Minister. That's how comedies work and why they are funny. If everyone acted as if in real life they wouldn't be funny. Real life is, in the main, not funny.

I disagree. For me caricatures and stereotypes are generally either bad or lazy writing. Characters need not be realistic but they should be believable., otherwise they stand out like a sore thumb and tend to be quite distracting. Which is what happened here with me.

(Id have to go back and watch the shows you mentioned to see if they're as cardboard and one dimensional as you suggest.)

Just watched another trailer.
Is this a lift from "The Morning Show"?

Quote: chipolata @ 4th July 2024, 3:12 PM

(Id have to go back and watch the shows you mentioned to see if they're as cardboard and one dimensional as you suggest.)

I don't think I ever suggested - nor would I dream of doing so - that any of the characters in the shows I mentioned were cardboard or one dimensional.

Merely that the behaviour of, and the relationship between, the generations in those shows were more exagerated and/or clichéd for comic effect than might be experienced in real life. As is the case here.

Quote: Lazzard @ 4th July 2024, 4:22 PM

Just watched another trailer.
Is this a lift from "The Morning Show"?

No idea what that is so can't comment I'm afraid.

A big US show launched on Apple TV+ -Jennifer Aniston & Steve Carrell.
A sort of Me Too-inspired drama - but funny at the same time in that US/Aaron Sorkin sort of way.

Watched Ep. 1
All feels a bit 'stagey'.
I'll give it another episode, see if it picks up
Chip''s right, though - the kid's dialogue is pretty lame.

Quote: Feeoree @ 1st July 2024, 7:18 AM

I watched it all across Thursday and Friday, and it feels like 2 different shows haha.

Hard to say how without spoiling it, but episodes 1 and 2 are a show much like the comedy drama advertised, and 3 and 4 are something altogether more dramatic. And it works well tbh.

That's good to know, as the first 2 episodes (I'm watching it week-by-week) have been, as Lazzard says, rather stagey. Unnatural dialogue, like a sitcom without much humour - Nick Mohammed and Joe Wilkinson deserve better roles and dialogue than this. Yet I'm still interested to see what happens, particularly with this promise of it mixing things up from now on.

Watched Episode 3, which might as well be from a completely different show.
Massive tonal change (thank goodness) and actually quite riveting.
The 'hotel room' scene was magnificent, I thought, with real Weinstein vibes.
The only 'jokes' were from Simon Russel Beale.
I'm now intrigued.

Yes I've only seen up to episode 3. Hopefully finish it tonight and yes part 3 was a lot less comedy.

Interestingly I usually love Scottish accents but find her voice very unappealing.

I like a good Scots accent too, but I see what you mean there, I'd say it's the deep tone of her voice rather than the soft Edinburgh ?? regional accent. A lot of men would find her voice very sexy, according to general custom. I find deep voiced birds er women quite intimidating, and possibly sexy at the same time. Not sure I want to be walked on in high heels though. 🤔

Quote: Lazzard @ 8th July 2024, 9:46 AM

Massive tonal change (thank goodness) and actually quite riveting.
The only 'jokes' were from Simon Russel Beale.
I'm now intrigued.

Quote: Chappers @ 8th July 2024, 10:11 AM

yes part 3 was a lot less comedy.

Perish the thought that there should be jokes or comedy in a "comedy drama".

Well, Ep 4 was a bit of a mess.
Not sure what to make of it really.
It passed the time, I guess.

Quote: Lazzard @ 4th July 2024, 4:22 PM

Just watched another trailer.
Is this a lift from "The Morning Show"?

Yes that's exactly what I thought watching the trailer

I only saw the first season of the Morning show
is the second series any good ?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 9th July 2024, 12:07 PM

Yes that's exactly what I thought watching the trailer

I only saw the first season of the Morning show
is the second series any good ?

I thought it was great..

Well I've finished watching it and yes - episodes one and two had a completely different feel to 3 and 4.

A very dark ending following the comedy in the first half of the series. I was surprised by the twist although I won't give anything away.

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