British Comedy Guide

Douglas Is Cancelled

Moffat is back in the sitcom game! Douglas is Cancelled, Hugh Boneville is the titular Douglas.

Also joined by 2 of his Doctor Who stars Karen Gillan and Alex Kingston.

Well it hasn't arrived yet but reading the blurb it's more of a comedy drama mini series and it appears to be based on the Hugh Edwards saga. I don't think they'll be able to count this as a sitcom like they have dozens of other comdrams, although this isn't from the Beeb who've been the worst offenders in that.

That's a shame. I was thinking of holidaying on the Isle of Man next year.

Just watched episode 1 and watching part 2.

Great situations but I just love his daughter and his wife's PA. Are the youth of today really like it? I know they're cliches but are they really like that?

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 19th November 2023, 8:42 AM

Well it hasn't arrived yet but reading the blurb it's more of a comedy drama mini series and it appears to be based on the Hugh Edwards saga. I don't think they'll be able to count this as a sitcom like they have dozens of other comdrams, although this isn't from the Beeb who've been the worst offenders in that.

In the press-release ITV state that it is a comedy drama.
Not sure anyone's claiming it to be a sitcom.
I will give it a try - but from the trailer, it looks pretty cringe-making.

Quote: Feeoree @ 17th November 2023, 10:17 AM

Moffat is back in the sitcom game! Douglas is Cancelled

I don't normally watch new programmes. (Why bother when there are repeats of Are You Being Served, Hi-de-Hi and Terry and June to watch and be enjoyed?) but, as I was confined to a Travelodge room conveniently sited between the Park Theatre, Finsbury Park and the Old Windsor Memorial Hall (and still am) and thus deprived of much of my usual viewing options, I switched on.

I quite enjoyed it. I may make an effort to watch the next three episodes (if only out of curiosity to see what happens). And you can't get greater praise than that.

Quote: Chappers @ 28th June 2024, 10:47 PM

Just watched episode 1 and watching part 2.

Great situations but I just love his daughter and his wife's PA. Are the youth of today really like it? I know they're cliches but are they really like that?

Not seen it yet.
However, generally speaking, not all young people are the same! Nor are all old people.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 29th June 2024, 11:15 AM

Not seen it yet.
However, generally speaking, not all young people are the same! Nor are all old people.

Oh we are.

I just read a pathetic review online from the Independent entitled "Why it's time to cancel TV dramas about cancel culture".

I quite liked it, but thought some of the dialogue felt a bit unnatural/forced - some of Douglas' wife's exclamations, for instance, like 'bollocking tit wankery' (she didn't actually say that, but it was that sort of thing, and didn't really suit her character).

The wordy back-and-forth between Douglas and the other bloke near the beginning had a Yes Minister feel to it, interestingly, and made it more sitcom than drama for at least that moment.

I'm intrigued to see how it plays out, and if we find out exactly what the joke was.

I watched it all across Thursday and Friday, and it feels like 2 different shows haha.

Hard to say how without spoiling it, but episodes 1 and 2 are a show much like the comedy drama advertised, and 3 and 4 are something altogether more dramatic. And it works well tbh.

Mainly it's the performances that hold it up - namely Gillan and Bonneville.

And honestly while some of the dialogue and story is well, Moffat-y (loves a mystery box puzzle, does ol' Steven), I think he defies expectations too.

I enjoyed Episode 1. The daughter is an intensely hateable TV monster.

Quote: Feeoree @ 1st July 2024, 7:18 AM

I watched it all across Thursday and Friday, and it feels like 2 different shows haha.

Hard to say how without spoiling it, but episodes 1 and 2 are a show much like the comedy drama advertised, and 3 and 4 are something altogether more dramatic. And it works well tbh.

Mainly it's the performances that hold it up - namely Gillan and Bonneville.

And honestly while some of the dialogue and story is well, Moffat-y (loves a mystery box puzzle, does ol' Steven), I think he defies expectations too.

Very much agree especially about the episode split. Second half was better.

I do wonder if Moffat has ever actually even met a young person, because the ones in it were painfully one dimensional clichés. I know plenty of Gen Z's and they're nothing like the stereotypes in this show.

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