Saturday 24th February 2024 8:02am
suburban south London
2,871 posts
OK - here's a contraversial one. Memorial benches with flowers and wreathes affixed to them so that people cannot sit down to even use them. I know that my particular borough charges a mighty £2500 to erect one (and before you ask, I am not forking out for one in memory of my late husband - I don't wish to fork out for tramps to fornicate and drink Buckfast in sight of Mr C's plaque) Seriously though! I got into a row with some silly mare on Facebook about it. In fact, that may have been one of the reasons why I deleted that particular Facebook account. I have a huge love/hate attraction with Facebook, I really do. My cat, Sophie Whiskers, has been able to maintain hers for years though, but she's more chilled than I could ever be.
Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 14th February 2024, 8:34 PM
Today's woman (Not all women, of course. I just mean some.)
May 'Men are c**ts.'
June 'Men are still c**ts.'
July 'I think men are c**ts.'
August 'Never trust a man. Men are all c**ts.'
September 'Take it from me, you're better off without a man. C**ts.'
October 'Gonna rip the shit out of all men on FB. And if any man criticises any woman, you know what he is? That's right.'
November 'Men are inferior, useless and c**ts.'
December 'Stay away from men. All c**ts.'
January 'Men? Oh, those c**ts?'
February 'I'm depressed.' - Why? - 'Valentine's Day and I'm all alone, sob.'
I have personally found more hate and dislike from fellow women but maybe it's just me? I didn't receive any Valentine's Day cards this year, which was a shame. Back in the 90s when I was perma single, our postman asked whether he could kiss me and I let him - on the cheek natch, no tongues.