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General Election 2024 Page 8

But isn't she just a legitimate left wing member Labour have always been held back by in the general elections and sometimes embarrassed by in the press? Sir Kier Stalin has been caught carrying out a totalitarian purge of his ideological opposites, had to back down to save a vote losing factional civil war, and then took the credit for letting her back in! The opportunist shitehawk.

She's like Corbyn

She too is 100% obsessed with herself only and doesn't give a toss about the party she claims to serve

All she ever does he put her foot in her mouth and embarrass herself and the party

She is a liability and has never been cut out for front line politics

Quote: Godot Taxis @ 31st May 2024, 5:49 PM

Literally anyone could lead the Labour Party to victory at the next election.

Not true at all. Even a very unpopular government like this one will be re-elected if the alternative does not seem at least vaguely competent. Voters won't take the plunge otherwise. Starmer isn't popular but is more popular than Sunak and has made Labour competent and electable again.
Corbyn would not be leading Labour to victory. Nor would anyone like Foot, Duncan Smith or Truss. Starmer deserves credit here.

Quote: lofthouse @ 31st May 2024, 10:57 PM

She's like Corbyn

She too is 100% obsessed with herself only and doesn't give a toss about the party she claims to serve

All she ever does he put her foot in her mouth and embarrass herself and the party

She is a liability and has never been cut out for front line politics

Hard disagree!
Abbott is already subject to far too much online abuse like this. She is intelligent and overcame a wealth of prejudice to go to Oxford and become an MP for 32 years.
She is clearly in poor health now and should probably retire. But Starmer has totally mishandled this.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 1st June 2024, 6:56 AM

Starmer has totally mishandled this.

Doesn't augur well then for his handling of more complex matters. Like the government of the country and the handling of World affairs.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 1st June 2024, 7:46 AM

Doesn't augur well then for his handling of more complex matters. Like the government of the country and the handling of World affairs.

It's a fairly minor issue in the grand scheme of things.
We are, after all, just nearing the end of a period characterised by probably the worst period of leadership by any British government since the war.
Starmer is far more competent than Sunak and leagues ahead of the disastrous Johnson and Truss.

My dad can beat your dad so there.

If it's my party - it's minor. If it's yours it's a scandal.

Starmer is far more competent than Sunak

Compared to what?

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 1st June 2024, 8:02 AM

It's a fairly minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

My point exactly. If he makes a mess with the Diane Abbott situation what hope has he got with Ukraine and the Middle East?

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 31st May 2024, 10:48 PM

Sir Kier Stalin has been caught carrying out a totalitarian purge of his ideological opposites,

Not sure Starmer has any ideological opposites. Mainly because he has no ideologies. Like many politicians he will u-turn to his heart's content (as we have discovered) and do and say whatever he feels he needs to do and say. eg:

Jeremy Corbyn is a friend and colleague

Jeremy Corbyn has never been a friend

When he was made Queen's Counsellor, an honour he accepted, he admitted he "often used to propose the abolition of the monarchy".

He was editor of Trotskyist radical magazineSocialist Alternatives in the 1980s, produced on behalf of the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency, In its first issue he wrote "trade unions should have had control over the "industry and community". In 2020 he stated in the Grauniad that his advocacy of socialism is motivated by "a burning desire to tackle inequality and injustice".

Yet, in an interview in the I in December 2021, he refused to characterise himself as a socialist as he sought to be seen to be moving Labour to the political centre.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 1st June 2024, 8:23 AM

Compared to what?

Compared to each other, obviously.

Surprisingly a good article in support of Diane Abbott by Richard Littlejohn in yesterday's Daily Mail.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 1st June 2024, 7:46 AM

Doesn't augur well then for his handling of more complex matters. Like the government of the country and the handling of World affairs.

Maybe you prefer the Johnson method?

One of your MP's needs to be disciplined after sexual assault claims

So, instead of discipline according to the rules - you specifically attempt to change the rules, because he's a tory and a friend?

Is that how a leader should behave?

No, I have never defended Johnson. Or any other current Conservative MP. But we were not discussing Johnson; we were discussing Starmer, We've had two Prime Ministers and a change of monarch since Johnson. Do try and keep up.

The point is Starmer has a procedure in place for disciplinary matters

And it was followed

Despite what the Daily Express and GB news say

Well I was responding to a previous poster (a Labour supporter) who admitted:

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 1st June 2024, 6:56 AM

Starmer has totally mishandled this.

You can't have it both ways.

Chris is wrong on this one 😋

I just hope they get enough of a majority to get things done.

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