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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,792

Trump GUILTY !!!!

Now get his fat greasy orange ass in jail


F**kin beautiful....


He will now have to see a probation officer while they assess his sentencing , I would give my left arm to see that meeting.
He won't go to jail and will obviously appeal but to see a convicted felon run for office will dilute Americas standing in the world.

The judge alone decides his sentence

Trump has spent weeks slandering the judge on a daily basis

Corrupt, rigged, compromised, Marxist, thug etc etc

Not a smart move!

But then again, Donny is a stupid moron

A tearful Trump drone outside the court wiped away tears and said 'so what??? He made love to a woman while his wife was at home with a newborn? Pregnant women are very cranky at that time!!"

He was being 100% serious

P.s. Trumps wife had better things to do today than show up and support her husband

Trump guilty on 34 counts.
Amazing he's still in the election at all given that he's just about the worst candidate there has ever been in American history.
He is now a convicted felon in the criminal courts and a convicted sex offender in the civil courts.

So he had a shag with a professional whore nearly 20 years ago and 10 years later, when she realised he might be the next president - decided to spill the beans about that night for financial gain. It worked, she got money to keep her gob shut, except she didn't. And he paid her through the backdoor covering up the payment.

An all-round sleazy affair no doubt but jumped up to the max. I hope the USA voters see through it.

So a man who can't now vote is aiming to be president and who is now legally not allowed to own a gun is vying to take control of half the worlds nuclear weapons? Only in America.

That's sort of my point. Trying to bring down an opponent by any method.
I don't like Trump at all - we all know what he is but these dirty tricks might backfire.

The Democrats (and usual suspects on here) might be cheering today but let's see.

He hasn't been brought down by his opponents. He has been tried and found guilty in a court of law. No one is above the law.
It's amazing he hasn't been done for contempt of court in the circumstances.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 30th May 2024, 8:27 PM

I predict a Labour majority of 50.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 30th May 2024, 5:20 PM

I'd never entirely rule a Tory victory out.

That is what is commonly known as "hedging your bets".

Both outcomes are possible.
(Although not simultaneously!)

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 31st May 2024, 9:11 AM

That's sort of my point. Trying to bring down an opponent by any method.
I don't like Trump at all - we all know what he is but these dirty tricks might backfire.


You could argue that's exactly what happened with Angela Rayner.

As for Trump, America needs to consign him to the dustbin of history and move on. They won't, though.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 31st May 2024, 9:23 AM

It's amazing he hasn't been done for contempt of court in the circumstances.

Any other American citizen would have been jailed for contempt for the things he has repeatedly said despite a gag order

Two tier justice system- yes, in favour of the likes of Trump

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 31st May 2024, 7:12 AM

So he had a shag with a professional whore nearly 20 years ago and 10 years later, when she realised he might be the next president - decided to spill the beans about that night for financial gain. It worked, she got money to keep her gob shut, except she didn't. And he paid her through the backdoor covering up the payment.

An all-round sleazy affair no doubt but jumped up to the max. I hope the USA voters see through it.

You've summed it up for what it is, even though he's become a convicted felon, it stinks of personal vendetta, mass hysterical hatred of the man's demeanour and lifestyle, and inevitably political motivation. His crime pales into insignificance with Bush & Blair's illegal war that set the middle east on fire, Nixon's electoral meddling and lying to congress, Clinton's sex scandal, lying to congress and impeachment, all forgiven.

Trump will also be forgiven by the unbiased swathe of Americans and if he's stopped from running for office, I think it will cause such an outcry it'll even delay the election.

In 2016 Trump said Hilary shouldn't be allowed to run as she was likely to face criminal charges and having a felon in the White House would be catastrophic for America

He's a hypocritical turd

She isn't a felon

And her supporters have now got their revenge, the liberals of America have been trying to bring him down ever since.

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