British Comedy Guide

Tony Hancock

I'm absolutely amazed that The Lad hasn't a pure Hancock thread of his own, and feel honoured to create same, as I wanted to post this :-

LOVE the photo in this article on BCG:

And can't believe, with all the books I have on Hankers, I have never seen this one!


They all look SO happy, and love the sheer joy on Mario Fabrizi's face - oh dear, what I would give to have been there in that room, which looks like the 23 Railway Cuttings front room TV set.

Mario Fabrizi - died far, far too young at only 38 in 1963, from it seems extreme stress brought on by a lack of acting work being offered to him - such a shame, as always enjoyed his appearances on TV and film.

Particularly appropriate timing as it is exactly 100 years ago tomorrow that John & Lily Hancock welcomed young Anthony "Aloysius" into the world.

Seems then, why they did this..........

This Sunday BBC 4 7 to 9 - 4 x episodes of HHH

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 11th May 2024, 11:09 AM

Particularly appropriate timing as it is exactly 100 years ago tomorrow that John & Lily Hancock welcomed young Anthony "Aloysius" into the world.


If you're a Hancock fan the Very Nearly an Armful Podcast is excellent

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