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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,785

Quote: lofthouse @ 10th May 2024, 8:49 PM

Well in his court case this week we learnt he had sex in a hotel room with a prolific porno actress he barely knew without wearing a condom

What kinda stupid bastard does that?

And then no doubt did the same to his wife after that, so putting her health in danger too

Yeah this piece of filth should defo be the most powerful man on the planet Earth

Trump, speaking recently about twice Wimbledon champion and former US president, Jimmy Connors....

"Jimmy Connors is-- He's also happy. Jimmy is a very happy man. Both of them because, you know what, they want him out.
Jimmy Connors had a bad reputation. Right now, he is considered a totally brilliant president by comparison (to Joe Biden). Right now he is a totally brilliant president in comparison,"

Stones, glasshouses etc etc

"Tories making a lot of noise about Angela Rayner and capital gains tax are less vocal when it comes to the profits their own MPs have made from selling second homes.

Four who have raked in £5.4million between them ­from flogging houses funded by the public have repeatedly declined to reveal if they paid any tax on the profits they made. The Tories were accused of ­hypocrisy after pushing for police to probe deputy Labour leader Ms Rayner over a £48,000 profit she made selling a former council house before she became an MP and an alleged capital gains tax bill of a mere £1,500.

The party did not respond to Mirror requests to comment on our ­investigation into whether David Tredinnick, Eleanor Laing, Shailesh Vara and Maria Miller paid capital gains tax on second homes they sold. Labour's Jess Phillips said: "The sheer hypocrisy is off the scale.

"It beggars belief for the Tories to demand a witch-hunt over a ­decade-old ex-council house sale. Yet they're refusing to say if several of their own MPs paid tax on the profits from selling taxpayer-funded homes, while they were actually sitting in Parliament."

Quote: lofthouse @ 13th May 2024, 10:10 AM

Trump, speaking recently about twice Wimbledon champion and former US president, Jimmy Connors....

"Jimmy Connors is-- He's also happy. Jimmy is a very happy man. Both of them because, you know what, they want him out.
Jimmy Connors had a bad reputation. Right now, he is considered a totally brilliant president by comparison (to Joe Biden). Right now he is a totally brilliant president in comparison,"

You're peddling a (cut-and-paste) lie. I couldn't blame you for worrying about a potentially senile man taking the presidency, but your silence on the current senile president's increasingly bizarre behavior during his rare public appearances speaks volumes about your actual concerns. It'll wait until after President Biden passes, but eventually, we'll learn about the behind-the-scenes collusion between the party and the press to cover up the fact that the president was non-compos mentis during his campaign and subsequent presidency.

If you're concerned about the importance of telling the truth, Trump actually misspoke "Carter" as "Connors" once, he immediately caught his mistake, chuckled about it, and then used President Carter's name correctly.

Yes but Biden is a likeable man and is doing a decent job, so I can excuse the odd slip up due to age

Trump on the other hand is disgusting sack of garbage who I wouldn't piss on if he was on fire

So he's fair game for ridicule!

Quote: lofthouse @ 13th May 2024, 4:25 PM

So he's fair game for ridicule!

Even when it's based on lies? We have very different ideas of what is right and wrong.

Nah its not lies

He mixed up a tennis player and an ex president

He's a dozy old bastard

Quote: DaButt @ 13th May 2024, 4:02 PM

You're peddling a (cut-and-paste) lie. I couldn't blame you for worrying about a potentially senile man taking the presidency, but your silence on the current senile president's increasingly bizarre behavior during his rare public appearances speaks volumes about your actual concerns. It'll wait until after President Biden passes, but eventually, we'll learn about the behind-the-scenes collusion between the party and the press to cover up the fact that the president was non-compos mentis during his campaign and subsequent presidency.

So no proof now but maybe they'll be some at some future unspecified date. Much like all the supposed proof of widespread voter fraud and election theft. It's fine to attack Biden for his senior moments, but the idea that Trump isn't also prone to exactly the same moments is ridiculous and hypocritical and predictably partisan.

As an American you should be more worried that in 2024 these two titans are the best your deeply divided country can offer.

Quote: lofthouse @ 13th May 2024, 5:17 PM

Nah its not lies

He mixed up a tennis player and an ex president

It's a lie. He said "Connors" once. Your "quote" has him saying it a second time when it's quite clear that he immediately realized his mistake and corrected it with "Carter".

I hate defending the windbag, but telling the truth is important.

Trump is smart and articulate. Show me someone who doesn't make a verbal mistake.
And Biden obviously has age-related brain dysfunction - that will never get better.

Hatred clouds some on here's judgment.

Quote: chipolata @ 13th May 2024, 5:35 PM

So no proof now but maybe they'll be some at some future unspecified date.

I do not doubt that it will surface after Biden is out of office (and more than likely, dead). People love to write books and dish dirt, so it will happen. Although I don't need anything other than my own eyes and ears to know what's been going on behind closed doors. My 88-year-old father is suffering from advanced dementia and President Biden is exhibiting all the signs that I saw in my father five or six years ago. I have nothing but sympathy for the man, but I'm shocked that his own family allows him to embarrass himself and the nation week after week. The man deserves better, and so does the nation. Allow the man to spend his final years in peace.

Quote: chipolata @ 13th May 2024, 5:35 PM

Much like all the supposed proof of widespread voter fraud and election theft.

I have no doubt that there was voter fraud; new stories appear weekly. The depth and breadth will likely never be known as long as the media and politicians refuse to investigate and/or mitigate it. I'll remind you that the 2000 presidential election was decided by 537 votes in Florida. 537 votes would not be considered "widespread" in a state with 16 million residents, much less a nation of more than 300 million people.

Quote: chipolata @ 13th May 2024, 5:35 PM

As an American you should be more worried that in 2024 these two titans are the best your deeply divided country can offer.

I've said as much more times than I can count.

Quote: DaButt @ 13th May 2024, 6:23 PM

I have no doubt that there was voter fraud; new stories appear weekly. The depth and breadth will likely never be known as long as the media and politicians refuse to investigate and/or mitigate it. I'll remind you that the 2000 presidential election was decided by 537 votes in Florida. 537 votes would not be considered "widespread" in a state with 16 million residents, much less a nation of more than .

This is nonsense.
The 2020 election has been thoroughly investigated. No evidence has ever been found of any fraud anything like sufficient to have affected the result.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 13th May 2024, 6:08 PM

Trump is smart and articulate. Show me someone who doesn't make a verbal mistake.

No, he isn't ! What a joke.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 13th May 2024, 6:08 PM

Trump is smart and articulate.


What you smokin this week ffs?

The guy is fkn retarded

Can you imagine the stick Biden would get for praising the fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter in one of his speeches??

Give me a fkn break

Don't take the bait :)

They do because no contrary opinion could ever be possible.

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