British Comedy Guide

The Weather Page 201

But at least they know without doubt what it's going to be like in 200 years' time. This afternoon, no. The year 2223 no problem.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 21st December 2023, 4:59 AM

A moan about the dodgy forecasts again.

This is a bug-bear of mine - I really don't know why they bother as none of them ever get it right, and as for 5 day forecasts, well don't get me started as there might be a vicar reading this.

You'll be pleased to hear Herc that naming storms came from and were copied from the good old USA.
You can submit names and they choose them from a hat (so to speak)
Mine's not come up yet. Fanny.

Typical Yanks

And that would be my choice!

Oh well, do you think Minge has been taken?

I use the BBC app

With regards forecasting rain- its completely useless

I look out the window in the morning to be honest.
Plus if its going to be really bad my knees let me know in advance anyway.

Not a flake has fallen yet but all the local council offices have said they are shut for at least today.
Schools are shut in anticipation of severe weather and busses may not run.
There are differing forecasts for 25mm (1 inch) of snow to no snow just rain.

When did this come in - the battening down of the hatches before anything happens?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 8th February 2024, 7:43 AM

Not a flake has fallen yet but all the local council offices have said they are shut for at least today.
Schools are shut in anticipation of severe weather and busses may not run.
There are differing forecasts for 25mm (1 inch) of snow to no snow just rain.

When did this come in - the battening down of the hatches before anything happens?

When we started giving ordinary storms names and so putting them on a par in people's minds with more potentially dangerous hurricanes.

And are some of them really storms? Now every time I hear the windows rattle with the odd gust of wind, I'm wondering what their name is. And I'm wondering if all this over analysing and labelling is a conspiratorial attempt by the climate change activists to deceive us into thinking storms didn't really exist until now, and it's all our doing?

It's been going on since the '50's in America.
So it's just another stupid US import.
The Met Office took it up when they were trying to glamourise their offering in an ever competitive market (Apps etc) & to try and keep the BBC contract - which they failed to do.
So like most conspiracies, it's good old capitalism behind it.

But America does get much bigger storms than us so I can see the point in naming them.
Perhaps for insurance claims. 'it was storm Bertha that took my house 100ft in the air.

Bank Holiday Monday. And another cold, wet day.

If only there were some way that we could outwit nature and warm the climate up a little. But obviously that's impossible.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 6th May 2024, 7:57 PM

If only there were some way that we could outwit nature and warm the climate up a little. But obviously that's impossible.

We're expecting 94F/34.5 here this week. I'll aim a fan in your direction.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 6th May 2024, 7:57 PM

Bank Holiday Monday. And another cold, wet day.

Very nice in the east all day, and managed to cut my grass in the afternoon before some late rain.

Also thank heavens, it was a nice day for the ITFC big bus parade through the centre of town

Bus parade? For coming second?

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