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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,757

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

"The rightwing news channel TalkTV, launched in 2022 by Rupert Murdoch's News UK, is to stop broadcasting on television after struggling to match its main rival GB News for ratings.

TalkTV will switch to online platforms only from this summer, an email to staff announced on Tuesday. Last month, its best-known presenter, Piers Morgan, said he would be leaving his daily evening show."

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind

"GB NEWS LOSSES since launch 2021 now stand at an eye watering £76 MILLION"

Budget day and Hunt steals Labour's non dom tax policy as predicted

The hypocrisy didn't stop there as he tried to come across as a an amiable joker by having a stab at Angela Rayner over capital gains tax paid on her council flat

"I have also been looking at the stamp duty relief for people who purchase more than one dwelling in a single transaction, known as multiple dwellings relief," Hunt said. "I see the deputy leader of the Labour Party paying close attention given her multiple dwellings."

Multiple dwellings? C**t... sorry Hunt rents out seven waterside flats in Southampton. Plus he owns a house in Pimlico and a house in Surrey

Plus he's the landlord of more properties than any other MP except ONE

Plus he has just jacked up the rent by 18% for his tenants

Utter twat

Anyway it's his last budget and the Lib Dem's are about to take his seat in the GE (despite him desperately donating £100,000 to his local party funds)

He also announced spending a million quid on a memorial to Muslim soldiers who died in the war

Isn't that the epitome of 'wokeness' everybody on the right blathers on about these days?

Budget bribe blunder bounce for the Tories

Westminster Voting Intention
LAB: 46% (+1)
CON: 18% (-2)
REF: 13% (+1)
LDM: 10% (=)

Via @PeoplePolling, On 7 March, Changes w/ 25 January.


Boy, 11, found driving BMW towing caravan on M1:

Mum and Dad in the back "are we there yet??"

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 8th March 2024, 5:12 PM

Boy, 11, found driving BMW towing caravan on M1:

Driving with cloned plates.
So, quite organised for an 11 year-old.

Charming lad. I'm guessing he's had the best mentors.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 8th March 2024, 5:12 PM

Boy, 11, found driving BMW towing caravan on M1:

Start 'em young.

"Don't hate the players, hate the game" an 11 year old has no choice of mentor and can't be charged with crime in the same way , say Trump can be.

Well shoehorned in.

You're trolling Steven. We are allowed to discuss news on a news thread.

You were discussing an 11 year old boy's crime - and Trump got a mention.
Sorry if my comment hurt your feelings.

I bet his insurance cost a fortune at that age.

Typical of this bunch of lying corrupt shysters...

" An official study of low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) ordered by Rishi Sunak amid efforts to stop them being built has instead concluded they are generally popular and effective and the report was initially buried, the Guardian has learned.
The long-delayed review by Department for Transport (DfT) officials was commissioned by the prime minister last July, as Sunak sought to capitalise on controversy about the schemes by promising drivers he was "on their side".
Downing Street had hoped that the study would bolster their arguments against LTNs, which are mainly installed by Labour-run councils, but it largely points the other way.
The report, which applies only to England as transport is devolved, had been scheduled for publication in January. However, after its findings emerged, government advisers asked that it be permanently shelved, the Guardian was told."

It doesn't say what we want it to say - so BURY it so people can't see it


Please call an election and just FUCK THE HELL OFF

And in some real news, our police are at it again, arresting the person who was assaulted instead of the assaulter because they are terrified of being labelled racist by the mob who were being racist but right racist, because they're on the left. While the man who was arrested for being assaulted for waving an anti racist placard was rightly arrested for being a wrong anti racist because he's on the right.

And just to make things clearer, the man rightly arrested for wrongly backing Israel was Iranian. You could be forgiven for thinking our extremist culture wars are getting a bit confusing.

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