British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,744

Don't worry, you'll soon be flooded with your beloved immigrants if the the good old CofE have anything to do with it. Then you can sit back and marvel at the waiting lists for life saving operations, the masses of homeless people sleeping on the streets, the cost of housing that working class Brits can no longer afford because their wages are kept so low in the flooded labour market, the high level of sexual and violent crimes, fraud and drug running, which we already know are dominated by men born outside this country. You'll get your lefty heaven, courtesy of our own church.

Alf, you do know that asylum seekers account for less than 10% of total immigration?
And that the number of those that were granted asylum by converting to Christianity is minuscule?
The vast, vast majority of immigrants come to this country on a plane with a government-stamped visa in their hands.
The Tory's greatest - and only - achievement is managing to convince people that refugees in dinghies are the source of all their problems.

1.2 million illegal immigrants says differently.
Fed, washed, housed, clothed, benefits and health treatment.
Quick maths then say there are over 10 million legal immigrants?? - are you counting that back from time immemorial?
At what number do you think is enough?

I was giving the annual figure.
Should have made that clear.
And of course, once granted asylum, they are not illegal.
The 1.2 million is a different figure, really.
That's people who are here, but shouldn't be here.
It includes those who've overstayed their visas, those who haven't adhered to conditions, missed a Home Office appointment etc

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 6th February 2024, 8:42 AM

Don't worry, you'll soon be flooded with your beloved immigrants if the the good old CofE have anything to do with it. Then you can sit back and marvel at the waiting lists for life saving operations, the masses of homeless people sleeping on the streets, the cost of housing that working class Brits can no longer afford because their wages are kept so low in the flooded labour market, the high level of sexual and violent crimes, fraud and drug running, which we already know are dominated by men born outside this country. You'll get your lefty heaven, courtesy of our own church.

Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

You have become a caricature of yourself.
Nazi, racist or any phobe you like.

Crying on here at perceived personal insults but dish em out yourself like smarties.

Waiting lists , mass homelessness, high cost of housing etc etc are here NOW

Because of the policies of 13 years under tory rule

You want to blame all that failure on immigrants instead? That's 100% what the nazi party did

Forget planes to Rwanda, let's pile them all in cattle trucks and build them some concentration camps to rot in

The PopCons (Popular Conservatives) launch today.
Led, ironically, by the least popular Conservative.
Doesn't bode well.

The more Liz truss shows her vacuously gormless face in public - the more damage she does to the tories, so keep going love

Doesn't she/they realise she is pure toxic poison for them after what she did to this country's economy??

I see her buddy Kwartang picked today to announce his retirement- at least he has the decency to just FUCK OFF

POPULAR conservatisms main spokesman, Truss, has a net popularity of MINUS 54% with the public, in a poll today!

These people really are quite staggeringly stupid aren't they?!

I did like a quote from one of them though.
'Everybody is born a leftie but normal people see what shite they sprout and move to the right.

Transport for London ads for Ulez made misleading claims, watchdog rules:

Who'd have thought it? And there was I getting the impression from this very thread that only things written on sides of buses could be condemned as misleading.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 7th February 2024, 8:12 AM

I did like a quote from one of them though.
'Everybody is born a leftie but normal people see what shite they sprout and move to the right.

My grandad became quite right wing as he get very old

He also became quite racist and senile ...

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 7th February 2024, 8:12 AM

I did like a quote from one of them though.
'Everybody is born a leftie but normal people see what shite they sprout and move to the right.

Misquoting the political heavyweight that is Holly Vallance, washed-up former star of Neighbours isn't doing much for your wafer-thin credibility, SG.

As for me , I have always been relatively centrist, with a tinge of left.
I've not shifted as I've grown older.
The country has, though.

Holly f**king Valance ?!!?



She's been branded 'brave' by GB News viewers for her 'truth bombs'. I can't help but feeling the concept of bravery has been somewhat devalued lately.

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