British Comedy Guide

Does humour help with grief? Page 2

Anything that temporarily distracts you from the sad situation has to be beneficial.
Why not gallows humour - if it makes you laugh?

I really appreciate reading all of your replies. January is also a completely shite month.

A friend asked me yesterday whether I'd want to view the body and the answer is a very firm 'no'. I'm glad that the days are gone of having to lay one's loved one's out in the front parlour - this would be really irritating because it was spoil my view of the screen.

In Father Ted the episode when Father Jack 'dies' and the Monkey Priest and others are in the sitting room of the parochial house. Also, the football episode in S3 where the key striker of the over 80s retired all priests football team dies and his high tech coffin receives a fax stating "sorry to hear that you've died."

If I try any form of humour via Facebook it'll come out in bad taste and I don't want that. To date, I've deleted at least four previous Facebook accounts because it's such a PITA.

Quote: MrsLogicFromViz @ 6th January 2024, 12:15 PM

A friend asked me yesterday whether I'd want to view the body and the answer is a very firm 'no'. I'm glad that the days are gone of having to lay one's loved one's out in the front parlour - this would be really irritating because it was spoil my view of the screen.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Really sorry to hear your terrible news. Loss is bad at anytime but especially around special dates.

Quote: Will Cam @ 6th January 2024, 10:51 PM

Really sorry to hear your terrible news. Loss is bad at anytime but especially around special dates.

Thank you, Will x

So sorry to hear that Mrs Logic!

I'd say it definitely helps. When my nan passed away last July, I found myself binging Detectorists over a couple of weeks - not quite a laugh a minute trad sitcom, but it sort of took me off into a different world for a bit between helping my mum with funeral arrangements and whatnot.

Thank you Feeoree, I really appreciate it.

Yes, The Detectorists is definately more of a dramedy, it's still funny. We were watching the 1970s BBC drama series 'The Duchess of Duke Street' over Christmas and Freddie Jones, Toby's father had a guest appearance as a fusty Oxford don. He was fab.

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