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BCG Fantasy Premier League 2023/24 Page 28

I wish to declare my team is in crisis. It seems to work for certain clubs so...

Oh well, the usual just got worse - now my entire bench is injured - seriously, if it carries on like this I won't bother as it's just not worth the arsing about, just to get kicked in the teeth.

I see Mbuemo is injured. I remember her winning Wimbledon in 1964.

"Horse says : Now that the season of nativity is over - Thank God - it is is time to see the New Year Year in with predictions via my magic crystal balls. These tell me the following. Followings.

January - To thank Saudi Arabia for keeping the sports of football afloat, all players will be requireds in futures to wear traditional Saudi costumes. The old fashioned way of jerseys, shorts and socks is out. Februarys - VAR will be replaceds by that machine they use in the national lottery, only there will be just two baubles in it and no bonus Christmas Pudding shaped thing. One will say agree and the others will say disagrees and only one will emerge. Like smoke when a new Pope is announced - and it will be clear and unequivocals.

March - In a shock emergency move, there will be a cross-party National Government with a new Prime Minister. The remarkable Jeff Stelling. Aprils - In a repeat performance of earlier in the seasons, Haaland gets angry again - even angriers than before and makes so many monkey like faces that he turns to everyone's amazements into an actual monkey. David Attenboroughs celebrates, saying it is a monkey that was believed to have become extinct 350 years ago.

May - Dyche confesses that when Everton had that shock win against Toons, even he did not expects his team to wins every single match afterwards and come tops of the Premiership. Then he turns into a dalek. Sheffield Uniteds are second under the combined management of Chris Wilders and Peps Guardiolas who lefts Man City in a hissy fit when they were docked 47points.

Summer - England wins Euro 2024. Gary Linekers expresses his disappointment, leaves the BBC and relocates to Cuba".

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 8th December 2023, 3:39 PM

Oh well, the usual just got worse - now my entire bench is injured - seriously, if it carries on like this I won't bother as it's just not worth the arsing about, just to get kicked in the teeth.

OK, made a transfer, but am still getting seriously pissed off with the whole debacle.

Erik ten (minutes until I'm sacked) Hag

At other clubs definitely. At Spurs and Chelsea he'd be gone already, and all the smaller clubs. MU are a bit more stubborn/don't listen to their fans though, so I see him lasting out the season at least. Hoping popular armband pick Haaland blanks today so I can start closing that hundred point lead you have...

I'm not sure of the game at the moment
Am I only aloowed to Post if Horse says Post or can I do it anyway

Very good :D

Glad I checked my team it's got a few injuries in there
I'm sure others may have the same, But I'm loathe to take another transfer hit to fix things
Contemplating using the wild card but that would mean putting some serious thought in, and it's a busy time of year.
Although it probably expires soon, when do we get the next Wildcard is it in the new year?

Yes as you can see from this page there's a lot of so called injuries about at the mo especially on the most picked players. I do wonder if they're all genuine though, or sneaky gamesmanship by their coaches. Eg. Watkins was dropped by many including me then the bastard played and got 11 points still with that 50% tag on him. I've seen 75% injured players playing before and 25% ones dropped! So it's just another lottery.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 13th December 2023, 12:53 AM

Glad I checked my team it's got a few injuries in there
I'm sure others may have the same, But I'm loathe to take another transfer hit to fix things
Contemplating using the wild card but that would mean putting some serious thought in, and it's a busy time of year.
Although it probably expires soon, when do we get the next Wildcard is it in the new year?

Yes, I still have a full bench of cronked players.

The new wildcard is available after Sat 30 Dec 11:00

"Horse says "A message a helpful message to Steve Sunshine in answer to his question "Am I only allowed to Post if Horse says Post or can I do it anyway?" Obviously it is not for me to tell him what and when he can post but if there ever becomes an emergency and everyone is fully agreeable agreeable, I would be prepareds to hold a very extraordinary general meeting to firm up rules. This would takes place at the house of my great friend Joni Mitchell who is not the same as the more well known Joni Mitchell. This is the Joni Mitchells who lives next doors to my equally great friend Bruce Springsteen who is not the same as the more more well knowns Bruce Springsteen. On the other sides was Shane MacGowan who was not the same as the well known Shane Macgowan but sadly both Shane MacGowans died on the same day. How weird is that. It is a lovely house that one. If you want to buy it, I recommends it, although my second cousin has already put in an offer for its. That is my second cousin Kate Bush who is not the same as the most well knowns Kate Bush".

With Gordon now gone down AGAIN, I now have AGAIN five player cronked - I think someone up there doesn't like me, and AGAIN I'm thinking of seriously stuffing it.

Oh well, bite the bullet, suffer 4 point loss, what the f**k do I care - shit mid table finish again for me this year.

So what's new............

Wildcard done
Team patched up, I rushed it today becuase I thought it was Friday as I'm off tommorrow
But there is a friday game if anyone is looking to tweak their team

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