Tuesday 5th December 2023 1:57am
14,731 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 4th December 2023, 7:43 PM
The automation industry was warned in 2010 that a worm developed by the Russians called Stuxnet was invading control systems, especially nuclear power plants.
Stuxnet is widely considered to be a joint project between Israel and the United States, not Russia.
I work in the cybersecurity biz, and I can assure you that the long-neglected SCADA and industrial controller infrastructure is being closely watched and continuously upgraded.
Quote: lofthouse @ 4th December 2023, 7:53 PM
If the west continues to sanction the living crap out of Russia (and rightly so) - couldn't their economy get so utterly desperate that they can't afford the upkeep for all their nuclear weapons installations?
Very dangerous
You don't want one of them bad boys accidentally setting off and heading for Washington DC
The Russian oligarchs and military leaders have been siphoning money from their military for decades, so much of their infrastructure is in less-than-perfect condition. That said, missiles aren't likely to fly, unless someone commands them to. Putin is dangerous, but he isn't crazy. He wouldn't push the button unless he was worried that Russia (or himself, personally) was in peril of perishing.