Godot Taxis
Wednesday 1st November 2023 3:40pm [Edited]
5,760 posts
You know it's a shame Don, but when you were manager of the month I did you these;
Quote: Godot Taxis @ 3rd April 2022, 8:24 PM
Manager of the Month - March 2022: Don Rushmore
I'm pleased to announce the inaugural Clique MOTM award, which has gone to Fork&sheet⚡️Lightnin's manager Don Rushmore.
Don's had a good (some might say blessed) season and is currently leading the league by a comfortable margin. In March he played his second wild card and put a further 246 points on his total, despite stiff competition from resident nutter Horse Radish.
In an interview the 53 year old said success wouldn't change him, he'd still mostly be a c**t. Horse Radish, who finished 8 points behind Don said; "I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. I think about it every day. Spread my wings and fly away."
Don wins the coveted Clique MOTM trophy, a magnum of champagne and a night out with an attractive woman who's been paid to laugh at his jokes.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ 3rd May 2022, 9:17 PM
Manager of the Month - April 2022: Don Rushmore
The presentation took place today for the Clique Manager of the Month for April which was won by Fork&sheet⚡️Lightnin's Don Rushmore.
Don was typically magnanimous in victory pointing out that although he won the trophy last month and in November, December and February, it was still very nearly possibly a close run thing. He spoke of his hope that others would be inspired by his example and step up to the plate as he was running out of doors that needed holding open.
Praise for Don
The trophy was presented by model and actress Donna Baldhaven, who said she knew nothing about football but didn't feel excluded from the conversation. She said of Don; "He doesn't say very much but I knew he was a winner as soon as they told me to give him the trophy". Runner up for April MOTM and previous League winner Steve Sunshine said; "Don's played a straight bat which is weird 'cause you don't have a bat in football and I really have no idea who keyed his car."
Don generously put £200 behind the bar, which went some way towards paying Godot's drinks bill.
Now that I'm manager of the month, you can't even be bothered to mention my name;
Quote: don rushmore @ 30th October 2023, 9:03 AM

Managers of the Month (October)
Alfred J Kipper - 204 pts
Super 6
Stephen Goodlad - 62 pts
Says it all really.