Quote: Firkin @ 12th October 2023, 11:14 PMHow ironic, you've not answered my original question either Mr Billy Bunter.
? I thought I had:
Quote: Firkin @ 12th October 2023, 9:13 PMwhy send someone to jail if keeping them out will get double (i.e. fines) back into government coffers ? Is that how it works ? My guess is Mr Piggott couldn't pay back - so the value there is to make an example of him ?
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 12th October 2023, 10:27 PM,,,criminal proceedings were normally only taken when the taxpayer (or, more precisely, the tax non-payer) continued to hide income even after he/she had been discovered and interviewed. If he/she came clean at that stage, they would usually just enforce payment of the sum owed along with the appropriate interest, fines and penalties. If criminal proceedings were warranted, they would still require payment of the sums due of course.
It is said that, in Lester Piggott's case, he had agreed the arrears, interest, fines and penalties to be paid but that he then paid by cheque drawn on a bank a/c that he hadn't declared.
What have I not answered?