British Comedy Guide

Saucy seaside postcards Page 87

If HGT's collection is composed of saucy seaside postcards (or images of such postcards) that are not available anywhere on the Internet, surely pure common sense dictates that it's those wonderful postcards that should have their own showcase thread.
Not only would that be totally appropriate, right and proper but postcard enthusiasts from all over the world would flock to BCG to look at them and they wouldn't want to have to trawl through all the run-of-the-mill examples on this thread in order to find his gems.
If, on the other hand, his 'collection' is just the same sort of stuff I'm posting (freely available to anyone in the world with an Internet connection), I don't see why his 'collection' and the mundane postcard images from anyone else who might want to post in this thread need to be separated.

Yes but as requested why don't you just start your own thread under Critique?

I'm not looking for critique. I'm just knocking out very simple jokes that some people like and others say they don't.
Most people seem to like the original postcards I post on this thread and those who don't care for my variations just have to scroll over them to get to the next original postcard.
All in all, I think this is the right thread for them.
Speaking of which, here's another:

Original postcard - nice pic but the dialogue is a bit cringe.

My variation - same picture, with a slightly more mature caption.

Quote: alison blunderland @ 29th August 2023, 8:25 PM

All in all, I think this is the right thread for them.
Speaking of which, here's another:

You're a strange kind of grown-up.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 30th August 2023, 3:45 PM

You're a strange kind of grown-up.

Never a truer word, DT. Never a truer word.

Original postcard.

My variation.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 27th November 2022, 9:11 AM

:D This sounds familiar!

Quote: alison blunderland @ 29th August 2023, 8:25 PM

I'm not looking for critique. I'm just knocking out very simple jokes that some people like and others say they don't.
Most people seem to like the original postcards I post on this thread and those who don't care for my variations just have to scroll over them to get to the next original postcard.
All in all, I think this is the right thread for them.

That's exactly what you're looking for. Comments on your "jokes". Which is why I suggested Critique.

This thread looks like spot the difference and not the fun kind because there's no differences to spot apart from the captions and that's easy to spot. Lose the captions and make them spot the difference but harder. Who doesn't love a good, hard spot the difference with their morning brew?

Quote: Chappers @ 30th August 2023, 8:34 PM

That's exactly what you're looking for. Comments on your "jokes". Which is why I suggested Critique.

Thanks for your suggestion Rodney but you know as well as I do there's a big difference between a comment and a critique - and, as I've already said, I'm not looking for critique.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 30th August 2023, 9:27 PM

This thread looks like spot the difference and not the fun kind because there's no differences to spot apart from the captions and that's easy to spot. Lose the captions and make them spot the difference but harder. Who doesn't love a good, hard spot the difference with their morning brew?

Interesting and very original suggestion DT but it would take a lot of work.
If someone else wants to do it, it would certainly be a positive addition to the forum.

You guys are weird.....

Original post card. We all love Pedro even though he's not always the most subtle humorist on the planet.

My variation. Original image. Slightly more subtle dialogue.

The continued pattern of behaviour exhibited by Alison Blunderland now has no explanation other than trolling the community, and she has been permanently banned.

Now, where was I before being so roodly interrupted............Oh yes, about 18 months ago

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 1st September 2023, 9:27 AM

Now, where was I before being so roodly interrupted............Oh yes, about 18 months ago


And relax.

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