Wednesday 19th July 2023 2:10pm
14,723 posts
Quote: chipolata @ 19th July 2023, 5:41 AM
You've never trusted government, DaButt.
It would be foolish to put one's full faith in the government if for no other reason than the fact that it's run by politicians. I trust in the institution, but distrust comes naturally whenever politicians try to overstep their bounds in the quest for political, financial, or personal gains - or merely to increase their grip on the steering wheel of power.
Quote: chipolata @ 19th July 2023, 5:41 AM
As I understand it the core of your belief in the right to bear arms is that the government can't be trusted, and you need weapons top protect yourselves from them.
Sorry, but after all these years of discussing the topic, you still don't understand my beliefs. My beliefs come from the Constitution, which explicitly provides Americans the right to bear arms. Until I am provided with the same 24/7 armed security details that the politicians who would like to disarm law-abiding Americans are afforded, I will continue to exercise my right to possess firearms in order to protect myself against persons (or animals) who might seek to harm me.
The fact that a few hundred million guns in the hands of American citizens would greatly complicate a government's (our own, or another nation's) attempts to subjugate the citizens by force - that's just a nice little bonus, not one of the cores of my beliefs.