Billy Bunter
Monday 17th July 2023 4:36pm [Edited]
The Sussex Coast
4,886 posts
Quote: lofthouse @ 17th July 2023, 2:37 PM
What I find hilarious about climate change is the average Joe who claims to know more than the WMO, the UN and all the scientists and experts who devote their whole life to studying the subject- spending millions of dollars and using the best scientific equipment etc etc
Yes, YOU lot are actually wrong, and ME , some bloke who works in Halfords is right - it's all nonsense and there's nothing can be done, so just shut up
Wow, now that is some arrogance right there
Because of course scientists & experts have never been wrong in the past! And not all the scientists and experts in any case. Only those that the media prefer to call on and quote. Rather like those scientists and experts who wanted to prolong lockdown as long as possible to protect their vested interests. You never heard from those with alternative views because it didn't fit the agenda.
The thing is you don't know any more than any other layman. You're only believing what you've been told or read. Others have an opinion based on what they've been told or read. The problem is, like so many other things, one is not allowed to question the perceived wisdom. You are not taught to think for yourself anymore. You are, instead, taught what to think.
Quote: Lazzard @ 17th July 2023, 2:47 PM
And isn't it more likely that the interested parties might be doing that to protect their ... ... investments/interests etc.?