British Comedy Guide

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Watching Peep Show again, from the start

Still bloody good fun

I know what I'm not watching TCM. Virgin have just dumped it and its one of favourite channels,

Yes I used to like their films but haven't had it on my box for years and thought as it's not on freeview it must have folded long back. Hope you're well Teddy. Perhaps it'll make its way onto freeview now its Virgin deal has ended. But there are lots of film channels on it at the mo, Great Movies, Legend, Talking Pictures, Film 4, ITV4 and probably more. And I prefer the films on all of them to all the Sky Movies channels I've had in the past which have been a pricey waste of time for for my own taste.

I'm not bad thanks Alfred I have finished chemo and radiation and now I am waiting for scans to see if its helped to at least make it operable. As for the channels I have loads I just like TCM as it seem to show more of what I like than the others,
I did catch the 'Spy who came in from the cold' the other day and as a cold war/ espionage fan I have seen it a few times but its a bit on the dark even for that genre. With TCM I was getting stuff like Ipcress File and Funeral in Berlin which suited me as I could watch them two once a week and Callan twice a week.

Oh that's good, all best with the outcome. Those are exactly the films I like I wish I had TCM myself now.

Carry on Regardless on Film 4.. It's got that Bergerac man in.

Quote: chipolata @ 8th July 2023, 11:48 AM

Carry on Regardless on Film 4.. It's got that Bergerac man in.

Proclaimed the "Funniest Carry On Ever" on the film poster - they should have been reported for false advertising, as I found this one to be the unfunniest!

The cleaning up a house scene at the end was absolutely abysmal!! Childish and plain stupid.

Carry on at your convenience is the worst imo

Total complete and utter moronic shite from beginning to end

I rather like it, the works outing was a bit of a cop out for the second half of the film but it has some fun bits in. Regardless and Teacher are pretty terrible and constable and nurse not much better imo until they got a new writer in for Cabby, which was a vast improvement.

I liked Constable to be honest Alfred, the inspector was was very good and Leslie Philips character was spot on as well. Agree its not the best but its far from bad.

Fircombe by the Sea was probably one of their best jokes.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 8th July 2023, 12:04 PM

! Childish and plain stupid.

Isn't that the essence/charm/weakness of most Carry On films?

Quote: chipolata @ 8th July 2023, 3:43 PM

Isn't that the essence/charm/weakness of most Carry On films?

Nope, they could be and were cleverer than that - besides I was referring specifically to the closing scenes involving cleaning up a house, if you'd read my post first before commenting.

Zulu on Film4. It's a great film, although it does take the shine off it a bit knowing Alfred Kipper likes it.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 8th July 2023, 4:11 PM

Nope, they could be and were cleverer than that - besides I was referring specifically to the closing scenes involving cleaning up a house, if you'd read my post first before commenting.

You're hard work, Herc.

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