Quote: fasty @ 1st July 2023, 7:49 AM
You got me there
A Yank once asked me the way to Wor-cester.
Basically, you miss out the "old" - so Garbisham, and the other one I used to get with Yanks, when I worked in the USAF bases, was Lie-sester for Leicester (Lester, of course) - we're a weird bunch in this country. Mind you, the Americans are just as bad - they have Kansas (OK) , but then the anomaly Arkansas (Arkansaw), and they have Baton Rouge, which is pronounced as we would, but for "baton" on its own, it is pronounced "batarn" - bloody weird.
Quote: fasty @ 1st July 2023, 7:49 AM
BBC local radio announcer, not local, doesn't pronounce local place names the way they are pronounced locally 
Don't worry, that's just Chappers being his usual pernickety hair splitting, if you are not making yourself completely clear, in his eyes I knew exactly what you meant 🙂