Tuesday 20th June 2023 10:38am [Edited]
914 posts
No actual laughs here, but I did kinda like it in a way, I suppose? A couple of the retorts/sly remarks from the other characters did get a proper smirk from me.
I'll give it another few episodes to click with me more, I get the feeling she's meant to be a proper unlikeable arsehole to begin with, more of an arsehole than your typical sitcom monster main character, and that you're meant to relate to the supporting cast more, ha.
A bit like Hildegard said earlier in this thread, I feel her sketch work is far better, as it takes people she has likely met/known and exaggerate parts of them, she's better at observational/parody in her writing and performance.
Quote: Chappers @ 20th June 2023, 9:48 AM
Well I did watch it and found it quite amusing. I'll give it another go.
As one of the TV reviewers pointed out was the trailer intended to put viewers off? Very strange choice.
Yeah, the trailer makes it look worse!