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Rolling Stones - this could be the last time

Quote: lofthouse @ 13th June 2023, 8:36 PM

Rolling Stones - this could be the last time

Come on, they're not THAT bad!
(As Michael Monkhouse would say...)


Turns out Jade Jagger was a big Temptations fan. Papa was a Rolling Stone.

What is life by George Harrison on the Huey show BBC 6 Music.

Such a varied programme. He's already played Buddy Rich, Astrud Gilberto* and Dizzie Gillespie.

Yes there is the occasional hip hop which I can live with but generally not the sort of stuff you'll hear elsewhere.

* NOT the girl from Ipanema.

Holst, Brook Green Suite. Feeling nostalgic for England this morning.

AC/DC - shot down in flames

Young Fathers - their Glastonbury set is up on BBC iPlayer (along with a shed load of other Glastonbury stuff).
Really exciting band.
Like a mad mash up between Hip-Hop and Arcade Fire.
Give it a go.

In a charity shop today and they were playing:

Julie Do Ya Love Me by White Plains

which I haven't heard for years. And which set me thinking of:

Friends by Arrival

from the same era and also which I haven't heard for a long time.

They don't make records like that any more...

Guns N'Roses - Dust N'Bones

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 27th June 2023, 6:48 PM

In a charity shop today and they were playing:

Julie Do Ya Love Me by White Plains

which I haven't heard for years. And which set me thinking of:

Friends by Arrival

from the same era and also which I haven't heard for a long time.

They don't make records like that any more...

I've got an Arrival compilation CD which is great. Some of them went on to form Kokomo and they are touring soon I understand.

Today's Taboo Challenge
Describe Pulp without using the words 'total', 'utter', 'shit' and 'f**king'.

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