British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,585

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 28th May 2023, 3:46 PM

And that's the difference - we see the showers of shit on both sides but rarely comment.

SG, you are the very model of even-handedness.

He's my hero.

I see some well known comedians are joining a protest about all the SHIT being pumped into water in the Lake District

As clearly , a different bunch of comedians couldn't give a toss and won't do anything about it

To all the right wing dipshits moaning about labour getting a donation from someone connected to just stop oil ;

Here is just ONE example of the scum bags handing over millions to the tory party:

A multi-millionaire Tory donor who owns London's famous Conran Shop and a stake in the Anya Hindmarch handbag retailer was revealed today as a key figure linked to a major money laundering operation targeted by the National Crime Agency.

A court ruling said that bank records showed that Javad Marandi, who has been on a Conservative advisory board of ultra-wealthy supporters, either owned or was connected to companies involved in a "criminal enterprise" moving vast sums of illicit funds around the world and into this country

Shut the fk up ffs

So, the uni. trans gender support group are trying to get a speaker banned from the Oxford Union debating chamber, because she expressed some harmless comment once that has been completely taken out of context, and now this has been brought to the surface again, it seems there have been 260 debate cancellations as the powers that be at Oxford don't want a war on their hands.

In an interview, she said she is going ahead, but knows of many lecturers who have cancelled because they don't want the fuss or trouble it could cause, but having said that, the university authorities have said enough is enough and are bringing out new rules to protect speakers.

So much for freedom of speech. Yes, you can have it - providing you don't disagree with my views.

- in late 2019 the Tory government briefed there would be a UK-US trade deal by July 2020

- today Downing St admitted the government is no longer seeking a bilateral trade deal with Washington


There's a massive surprise

Watch out, AI is going to take over the world and destroy all mankind.
Well, according to the news channels today.

It was London underwater in the 70's
Then The big freeze
Then acid rain
Then the depleted ozone layer
Then...well you know
Mankind is doing well to be still here after all these global disasters.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 31st May 2023, 12:03 PM

Watch out, AI is going to take over the world and destroy all mankind.
Well, according to the news channels today.


Don't forget the Y2K bug, SARS and Swine Flu. Which is why I take Covid and Global warming with a spoonful of sodium chloride.

Just one question on the survey form issued by Darlington Memorial Hospital for outpatients' completion:


Are you not on there?

Quote: fasty @ 31st May 2023, 6:27 PM

Don't forget the Y2K bug, SARS and Swine Flu. Which is why I take Covid and Global warming with a spoonful of sodium chloride.

Hmmm...I suspect Covid might already have happened.
I don't think that's a particularly controversial view?

There's an interesting debate to be had about AI, although probably not in the media, social or otherwise. It will definitely take jobs, although I personally would quite like an AI Prime Minister. It certainly can't be any worse than the carousel of clowns we do get.

I've been in automation for 30 years and made hundreds of people redundant - so AI is nothing really new.

AI has the potential to be world-ending.
It's all about control.
Fire can keep you warm or burn your house down.

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