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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,584

Quote: Lazzard @ 27th May 2023, 9:24 AM

Suella would probably welcome him with open..........arms.

Naughty naughty - I hope zooo doesn't read this

Boris Johnson's lockdown notebooks have been found and must be handed over to the Covid inquiry

Is evidence written in crayon admissible?

Number of Days since last Tory sleaze = 0

A Tory minister who served under Suella Braverman at the Home Office is among high-profile MPs to have wrongly claimed hundreds of pounds in driving fines on expenses, The Independent can reveal.

Amanda Solloway, who is now a minister in the energy department, claimed back an £80 fixed penalty notice issued to her while she was driving in London in July 2020, listing it under "MP travel expenses".

Tory MP and select committee chair Simon Hoare, and former Tory vice-chair Bim Afolami, also got taxpayers to foot the bill for their penalties.

The revelation - branded "scandalous" by a former watchdog chair - means Rishi Sunak risks being dragged into yet another sleaze row just days after he rejected calls to launch an investigation into his home secretary's handling of her own speeding fine.

These bastards have no shame

I think this has probably been 'leaked' to counter Angela Rayner's 'Headphones-gate'.
A fair amount of fuss over nothing on both sides, to be honest.
Rather unfortunate for the Tories that's it's another traffic-offence related misdemeanour.
I imagine they'd hoped the dust was settling on Suella's shenanigans.

...and Angela Rayner claimed £139 for a pair of Apple airpods (whatever they are), Lisa Nandy £20 for hand sanitiser, Jonathan Ashworth £72.20 for travel from home to Westminster.

And the SNP bought a camper van!

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 28th May 2023, 9:39 AM

...and Angela Rayner claimed £139 for a pair of Apple airpods, Lisa Nandy £20 for hand sanitiser, Jonathan Ashworth £72.20 for travel from home to Westminster.

And the SNP bought a camper van!

Like I said, a fair amount of fuss about nothing.

That's the trouble with cut & pasting from a newspaper of your choice of course. You are reliant on what that newspaper wants to put across without doing any further research of your own.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 28th May 2023, 9:39 AM

...and Angela Rayner claimed £139 for a pair of Apple airpods (whatever they are), Lisa Nandy £20 for hand sanitiser, Jonathan Ashworth £72.20 for travel from home to Westminster.

And the SNP bought a camper van!

Or the big expenses scandal of the noughties Labour tried to stop being published, that saw one of their lot go to prison.

I love this idea that if someone does something wrong, it doesn't count if someone has done something similar in the last couple of decades.
There's murderers who would kill for a defence like that.

No it just makes them huge hypocrites for forgetting to mention their own past illegalities while condemning those of the govt's.

So everyone gets away with everything.

Quote: Lazzard @ 28th May 2023, 1:03 PM

So everyone gets away with everything.

I don't think anyone said they should all get away with it We were just pointing out that MPs from Labour and the other parties are just as unprincipled as the Conservatives despite what some people on here seem naively to believe.

The whole lot of them are money grabbing bastards, just in it to feather their own nest, caring not a jot for the man (or woman ffs!) in the street

You'll have noticed some on here live and breathe Tory misdemeanors.
While all the while excusing or ignoring Labour discrepancies.
And that's the difference - we see the showers of shit on both sides but rarely comment.

Electronic equipment used for your job is a legitimate expense

Breaking the law, then getting fined and basically saying well I ain't paying the fine - the tax payer can pay it for me instead

Is hardly the same

In other news the 40 new hospitals the tories promised , aren't 40 new hospitals after all

Half of them will just be old ancient hospitals , patched up and rebuilt

More lies and bullshit

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